Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten


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RS Router Solicitation<br />

RS232 RS-232: Recommended Standard 232 (Norm für serielle Schnittstelle)<br />

RS422 RS-422: Recommended Standard 422 (Norm für serielle Schnittstelle)<br />

RSA Rivest, Shamir, Adleman<br />

RSAC Recreational Software Advisory Council<br />

RSB Repair Service Bureau<br />

RSB Reservation State Block<br />

RSBAC Rule Set Based Access Control<br />

RSC Radio Spectrum Committee (Europe)<br />

RSC Readability of Source Code<br />

RSC Reduced Slot Cycle<br />

RSC Remote Switching Center<br />

RSC Reset Circuit<br />

RSC Residence Service Center<br />

RSC Reusable Software Component<br />

RSC Root Server Confederation<br />

RSC Route Switch Controller (Cisco)<br />

RSC Routing Setting Controller<br />

RSCS Remote Spooling and Communications Subsystem<br />

RSCV Route Selection Control Vector<br />

RSDP Root System Description Pointer<br />

RSDT Root System Description Table<br />

RSE Register Stack Engine<br />

RSET Reset<br />

RSFQ Rapid Single Flux Quantum (Logic)<br />

RSI Repetitive Strain Injury<br />

RSIP Realm Specific Internet Protocol (parameter)<br />

RSIS Relocateable Screen Interface Specification<br />

RSL Radio Signaling Link<br />

RSL Received Signal Level<br />

RSL Registry Size Limit<br />

RSL Request and Status Link<br />

RSL Reserve Static Line<br />

RSL Resilient Server Link<br />

RSL Resource Specification Language<br />

RSMLT Routed Split Multi Link Trunking<br />

RSN Real Soon Now (Slang)<br />

RSN Russian Security Newsline<br />

RSOH Regenerator Section Overhead<br />

RSOP RSoP: Resultant Set of Policies<br />

RSP Required Space Character<br />

RSPC Reed Solomon Product Code<br />

RSPCWS Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelties to Web Surfers<br />

RSRB Remote Source Route Bridging<br />

RSS Radio Subsystem<br />

RSS RDF Site Summary<br />

RSS Really Simple Syndication<br />

RSS Resident Set Size<br />

RSS Rich Site Summary<br />

RSSAC Root Server System Advisory Committee<br />


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