Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten

Abkürzungs-Liste ABKLEX - Familie Alex, Weingarten


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FER Frame Erasure Rate<br />

FERAM Ferroelectric Random Access Memory<br />

FERF Far End Receive Failure<br />

FEST Finite Element Simulation Technique<br />

FEST Framework for European Telemedicine<br />

FET Feldeffekt-Transistor<br />

FEXT Far End Crosstalk<br />

FF Fieldbus Foundation<br />

FF First Fail (Principle)<br />

FF Flipflop<br />

FF Form Feed<br />

FFA Free For All<br />

FFAPI File Format API<br />

FFDT FDDI Full Duplex Technology (DEC)<br />

FFGF File Framework Generator and Formatter<br />

FFH Fast Frequency Hopping<br />

FFH File Folder Holder<br />

FFH Film Frame Handler/Handling<br />

FFH Free Forum Hosting<br />

FFI Foreign Function Interface<br />

FFII Förderverein für eine Freie Informationelle Infrastruktur<br />

FFM File-on-File Mounting File System<br />

FFOL FDDI Follow-On LAN<br />

FFPU Free For Personal Use<br />

FFR For Future Release<br />

FFS Fast/Flash File System<br />

FFS Flexibles Fertigungssystem<br />

FFS For Free Server<br />

FFSN Fast Flux Service Network<br />

FFT Fast Fourier Transform/Transformation<br />

FFT Full Frame Transfer<br />

FFTP Fast Food Transfer Protocol (Mampfnet)<br />

FG Feature Group<br />

FG Foreground<br />

FG Frame Ground<br />

FGA Feature Group A<br />

FGAN Forschungs-Gesellschaft für Angewandte Naturwissenschaften<br />

FGB Feature Group B<br />

FGC First Global Commerce<br />

FGD Feature Group D<br />

FGDC Federal Geographic Data Committee<br />

FGF Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk<br />

FGS Fair Group Scheduling<br />

FGV Fernmeldegebührenvorschriften<br />

FGW Femto Gateway<br />

FH Frame Handler<br />

FHS Filesystem Hierarchy Standard<br />

FHS For Heaven’s Sake (Slang)<br />

FHSS Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum<br />

FI Feature Interaction<br />


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