Cockroache; Ecology, behavior & history - W.J. Bell

Cockroache; Ecology, behavior & history - W.J. Bell

Cockroache; Ecology, behavior & history - W.J. Bell


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incipient colonies (Scharf et al., 2005). This supports the<br />

idea that gut microbes may supply a metabolic boost at<br />

crucial points in host life <strong>history</strong>.<br />

Flagellates Cause Eusociality?<br />

Hindgut protozoans were crucial in the evolution of eusociality<br />

in their termite hosts, but not for the reasons<br />

usually cited. In termites, the hindgut flagellates die just<br />

prior to host ecdysis. A newly molted individual must<br />

reestablish its symbiosis by proctodeal trophallaxis from<br />

a donor nestmate, making group living mandatory. In the<br />

classic literature, this codependence of colony members<br />

was thought to be the main precondition for the evolution<br />

of eusociality in termites; the idea can be traced to<br />

the work of L.R. Cleveland (1934). While loss of flagellates<br />

at molt may enforce proximity, it provides no<br />

explanation for the defining characteristics of termite eusociality,<br />

namely, brood care, overlapping worker generations,<br />

and non-reproductive castes (Starr, 1979; Andersson,<br />

1984). Moreover, the bulk of evidence suggests that<br />

protozoan loss at molt in termites did not precede eusociality.<br />

It is a secondary condition derived from eusociality<br />

of the hosts, and is associated with the physiology of<br />

developmental arrest and caste control (Nalepa, 1994).<br />

Hindgut protozoans were crucial in the genesis of the<br />

termite lineage, because an obligate symbiotic relationship<br />

with them demands a reliable means of transmission<br />

between generations. The life <strong>history</strong> characteristics of a<br />

termite ancestor, as exemplified by Cryptocercus, combined<br />

with the physiology of encystment of these particular<br />

protozoans, mandate that this transmission could<br />

only occur via proctodeal trophallaxis (Nalepa, 1994). In<br />

an ancestor common to Cryptocercus and termites, flagellate<br />

cysts were presumably passed to hatchlings by intraspecific<br />

coprophagy in aggregations (Nalepa et al.,<br />

2001a). The physiology of encystment in these protists,<br />

however, does not allow for their transmission by adults.<br />

Their encystment is triggered by the molting cycle of the<br />

host; consequently they are passed in the feces only during<br />

the developmental stages of nymphs. Cysts are never<br />

found in the feces of adults or intermolts (Cleveland et al.,<br />

1934; Cleveland and Nutting, 1955; Cleveland et al.,<br />

1960). Cryptocercus is subsocial and semelparous. Most<br />

adults spend their entire lives nurturing one set of offspring.<br />

Consequently, older nymphs are not present in<br />

galleries when adults reproduce (Seelinger and Seelinger,<br />

1983; Nalepa, 1984; Park et al., 2002). Coprophagy as a<br />

mechanism of intergenerational transmission is thus<br />

ruled out; adults do not excrete cysts, and older nymphs<br />

are absent from the social group. Cysts in the feces of<br />

molting Cryptocercus nymphs, as well as vestiges of the<br />

sexual/encystment process in termites (Grassé and Noirot,<br />

1945; Cleveland, 1965; Messer and Lee, 1989), are a<br />

legacy of their distant gregarious past. In the ancestor<br />

Cryptocercus shared with termites, an obligate relationship<br />

with gut symbionts, intergenerational transmission<br />

via proctodeal trophallaxis, and subsociality were thus a<br />

co-evolved character set (Nalepa, 1991; Nalepa et al.,<br />

2001a). Proctodeal trophallaxis in young families of a<br />

Cryptocercus-like ancestor assured not only passage of<br />

cellulolytic flagellates between generations, but also passage<br />

of the entire complex of microorganisms present in<br />

the hindgut fluids. Trophallaxis thus conserved relationships<br />

between microbial taxa within consortia, allowing<br />

them to develop interdependent relationships by eliminating<br />

redundant pathways. The metabolic efficiency<br />

of these consortia consequently increased, shifting the<br />

cost-benefit ratio in favor of increased host reliance. The<br />

growing dependence of the host on gut microbes, in turn,<br />

reinforced selection for assured passage between generations<br />

via subsociality and trophallactic <strong>behavior</strong>. The<br />

switch from horizontal to vertical intergenerational<br />

transmission of gut fauna was thus one of the key influences<br />

in the transition from gregarious to subsocial <strong>behavior</strong><br />

in the common ancestor of Cryptocercus and termites.<br />

It also set up one of the pivotal conditions allowing<br />

for the transition to eusociality by establishing the <strong>behavior</strong>al<br />

basis of trophallactic exchanges (Nalepa et al.,<br />

2001a).<br />

The hypothesis that the loss of protozoan symbionts at<br />

molt was influential during the initial transition to eusociality,<br />

then, is not supported. The interdependence that<br />

the condition enforces on hosts nonetheless played a key<br />

role after the initial transition from subsociality to eusociality<br />

(detailed below). Subsequent hormonal changes<br />

related to developmental stasis and caste evolution, and<br />

the associated loss of protozoans at molt resulted in a<br />

“point of no return” (Hölldobbler and Wilson, 2005),<br />

when individuals became incapable of a solitary existence.<br />



A hindgut filled to capacity with a huge complex of interacting<br />

microbiota was not the only symbiotic association<br />

influential in the evolution of termite eusociality.<br />

Grassé and Noirot (1959) noted nearly a half-century ago<br />

that the two taxa bracketing the transition from cockroaches<br />

to termites share a unique double symbiosis: an<br />

association with cellulolytic flagellates in the hindgut, and<br />

endosymbiotic bacteria housed in the visceral fat body.<br />

Cryptocercus is the only cockroach that has the former<br />

symbiosis, which it shares with all lower termites, and<br />


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