Eng - IOI Group

Eng - IOI Group

Eng - IOI Group


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Directors’ Report cont’dSignificant Events Subsequent to the Financial YearProposed joint-venture for oil palm cultivation in IndonesiaOn 15 August 2007, the Company announced that it has entered into Heads of Agreement which outline the general terms underwhich the Company will participate in a joint-venture for oil palm cultivation in Kalimantan, Indonesia with Harita <strong>Group</strong> (“Harita”) andaffiliates (“Proposed Joint Venture”).The Proposed Joint Venture will involve the Company acquiring:i. a 33% stake in PT Bumitama Gunajaya Agro (“1 st JV Co”) which has a total planted hectarage of 35,340 hectares (“ha”) andunplanted land of approximately 64,000 ha, together with three palm oil mills. The 1 st JV Co also oversees a ‘plasma’ schemewhich covers an area of approximately 22,000 ha; andii.a 67% stake in several companies (“2 nd JV Co”) which will have total land available for planting of approximately 128,000 ha.Total consideration payable for the above stakes is expected to be approximately USD130 million, based on an estimated total enterprisevalue of about USD385 million.Under the Proposed Joint Venture, the Company shall be responsible for providing plantation management and technical support undera technical support agreement whereas Harita, will be responsible for human resource and regulatory matters.The Proposed Joint Venture is in line with the <strong>Group</strong>’s strategy of growing its core palm oil business under appropriate conditions. Itwill provide immediate addition to planted hectarage as well as substantial suitable land bank for sustained business growth, henceproviding the <strong>Group</strong> with the opportunity to capitalise on the very favourable outlook for the oil palm industry.The definitive agreements are expected to be executed in September 2007.Audit CommitteeThe Directors who served as members of the Audit Committee since the date of the last report are as follows:Datuk Hj Mohd Khalil b Dato’ Hj Mohd Noor (Chairman)Chan Fong AnnDato’ Yeo How (MIA No. 4368)Datuk Khalid b Hj Husin (Resigned on 11 April 2007)<strong>IOI</strong> Corporation BerhadANNUAL REPORT 2007 118

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