Eng - IOI Group

Eng - IOI Group

Eng - IOI Group


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Notes To The Financial Statements cont’d8. OPERATING PROFIT cont’d<strong>Group</strong>Company2007 2006 2007 2006RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000(restated)(restated)and crediting:Allowance for doubtful debts written back 318 332 - -Amortisation of negative goodwill of subsidiaries - 751 - -Amortisation of negative goodwill of associates - 2,208 - -Gain on disposal of investment properties - 58 - -Gain on disposal of land held for property development 168 - - -Gross dividend received from- short term funds quoted in Malaysia 10,484 5,833 10,484 5,833- other quoted investments in Malaysia 875 303 142 113- other unquoted investments in Malaysia 37 37 - -- subsidiary quoted in Malaysia - - 148,345 136,455- unquoted subsidiaries - - 367,600 444,049- unquoted associates - - 5,040 6,696Impairment loss on other long term investments written back - 285 - -Negative goodwill recognised arising from additionalinterest acquired in a subsidiary 263 - - -Rental income from plant and machinery 6,107 6,135 - -Rental income 69,766 63,603 - -Contract cost of the <strong>Group</strong> recognised as an expense during the financial year amounted to RM324,000 (2006 - RM21,000). Costof inventories of the <strong>Group</strong> and of the Company recognised as an expense during the financial year amounted to RM5,330,268,000(2006 - RM3,436,241,000) and RM27,001,000 (2006 - RM29,390,000) respectively.b) Employee informationThe employee benefits expense are as follows:<strong>Group</strong>Company2007 2006 2007 2006RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000(restated)(restated)Wages, salaries and others 515,438 492,800 50,014 47,767Contributions to Employee’s Provident Fund 47,115 18,344 3,954 3,876Expenses for retirement benefits 18,370 6,966 8 162Share option expenses 26,732 15,129 24,377 13,967607,655 533,239 78,353 65,772165ANNUAL REPORT 2007<strong>IOI</strong> Corporation Berhad

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