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Cash Flow Statementsfor the financial year ended 30 June 2007<strong>Group</strong>Company2007 2006 2007 2006Note RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000(restated)(restated)Cash Flows From Operating ActivitiesProfit before taxation 1,991,073 1,152,873 693,593 769,493Adjustments for:Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 187,105 157,578 4,735 5,376Interest expenses 144,154 129,985 111,938 100,360Share option expenses 26,648 15,129 24,377 13,967Expenses for retirement benefits 18,370 6,966 8 162Inventories write down 23,647 11,856 - -Amortisation of prepaid lease payments 12,725 11,164 106 105Property, plant and equipment written off 11,738 12,017 775 7,571Allowance for doubtful debts 10,221 244 - -Impairment loss on other long term investments 1,120 - 976 -Loss on disposal of a subsidiary 538 - - -Share of results of a jointly controlled entity 7 - - -Gain on disposal of land held for property development (168) - - -Negative goodwill recognised arising from additionalinterest acquired in a subsidiary (263) - - -Allowance for doubtful debts written back (318) (332) - -Dividend income from other investments (912) (340) (142) (113)Gain on disposal of other long term investments (3,402) (482) (1,354) (43)Impairment loss on short term investments written back (5,167) - - -Gain on disposal of short term funds (5,813) (11,638) (2,854) (11,108)Realised foreign currency translation (gain)/loss (7,184) (16,179) 20,740 -Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment (10,068) (4,704) (625) (251)Dividend income from short term funds (10,484) (5,833) (10,484) (5,833)Share of results of associates (37,323) (42,581) - -Interest income (39,680) (20,012) (105,164) (85,631)Fair value gain of investment properties (160,650) - - -Unrealised foreign currency translation gain on borrowings (163,058) (76,092) (148,710) (90,885)Amortisation of goodwill on consolidation - 29,908 - -Loss on impairment of goodwill of subsidiaries - 13,886 - -Unrealised foreign currency translation loss - 954 - -Gain on disposal of short term investments - (28) - -Gain on disposal of investment properties - (58) - -Impairment loss on other long term investments written back - (285) - -Amortisation of negative goodwill of subsidiaries - (751) - -Amortisation of negative goodwill of associates - (2,208) - -Dividend income from associates - - (5,040) (6,696)Dividend income from subsidiaries - - (515,945) (580,504)Operating profit before working capital changes 1,982,856 1,361,037 66,930 115,970The notes on pages 131 to 255 form an integral part of the financial statements127ANNUAL REPORT 2007<strong>IOI</strong> Corporation Berhad

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