Eng - IOI Group

Eng - IOI Group

Eng - IOI Group


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Notes To The Financial Statements cont’d43. SIGNIFICANT RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURES cont’d43.1 Identity of related parties cont’dRelated parties of the <strong>Group</strong> include:i. Direct and indirect subsidiaries as disclosed in Note 51;ii.Progressive Holdings Sdn Bhd, the major corporate shareholder of the Company;iii. Associates and jointly controlled entity as disclosed in Note 51;iv.Key management personnel which comprises persons (including the Directors of the Company) having authority andresponsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the <strong>Group</strong> directly or indirectly; andv. Affiliates, companies in which the Directors who are also the substantial shareholders of the Company have substantialshareholdings interest.43.2 Significant related party transactionsIn addition to the transactions detailed elsewhere in the financial statements, the <strong>Group</strong> and the Company had the followingtransactions with related parties during the financial year:2007 2006RM’000 RM’000<strong>Group</strong>AssociatesSales of oleochemical products and palm kernel oil 398,660 400,869Purchases of oleochemical products 14,916 15,347Purchases of palm products 24,428 18,782Agency fees income 614 407Rental income on storage tank 6,091 6,105AffiliatesProperty project management services 1,258 1,805CompanySubsidiariesSales of palm products 223,875 182,728Purchases of palm products 18,258 15,434Agency fees income 1,215 1,117Interest income 87,331 82,797Interest expense 111,033 99,302221ANNUAL REPORT 2007<strong>IOI</strong> Corporation Berhad

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