Eng - IOI Group

Eng - IOI Group

Eng - IOI Group


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Audit Committee Report cont’dTERMS OF REFERENCE cont’d6 Secretary to the Committee and MinutesThe Company Secretary shall be the secretary of the Committee and as a reporting procedure, the minutes shall be circulated to allmembers of the Board.ACTIVITIESDuring the year, the Committee discharged its duties and responsibilities in accordance with its terms of reference.The main activities undertaken by the Committee were as follows:iReview of the external auditors’ scope of work and their audit plan and discuss results of their examinations andrecommendations.iiReview with the external auditors the results of their audit, the audit report and internal control recommendations in respect of controlweaknesses noted in the course of their audit.iiiReview the audited financial statements before recommending them for the Board of Directors’ approval.ivReview the Company’s compliance, in particular the quarterly and year end financial statements with the Listing Requirementsof Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad and the applicable approved accounting standards issued by the Malaysian AccountingStandards Board.vReview of the quarterly unaudited financial results announcements of the <strong>Group</strong> and the Company prior to recommending them tothe Board of Directors for consideration and approval.viReview of the Internal Audit Department’s resource requirement, programmes and plan for the financial year to ensure adequatecoverage over the activities of the respective business units and the annual assessment of the Internal Audit Department’sperformance.vii Review of the audit reports presented by Internal Audit Department on findings and recommendations and management’s responsesthereto and ensure that material findings are adequately addressed by management.viii Review of the related party transactions entered into by the <strong>Group</strong>.ixReview and assess the risk management activities and risk review reports of the <strong>Group</strong>.xReview of the extent of the <strong>Group</strong>’s compliance with the relevant provisions set out under the Malaysian Code on CorporateGovernance for the purpose of preparing the Corporate Governance Statement and Statement on Internal Control pursuant to theListing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad.69ANNUAL REPORT 2007<strong>IOI</strong> Corporation Berhad

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