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MammalsSuccess of projectHighly Successful Successful Partially Successful FailureReason for success/failure: Steps are being made according to approved re-introduction program. Settlement and productivity are over the previsions in both areas. All released individuals have adapted well to the environment. Connection between Andújar-Cardeña and both re-introduction areas hasbeen demonstrated by the movements of four different individuals. The social support to the re-introduction program is high, and the involvementof the population in the program increases every year.ReferencesGuzmán, N., F. J. García, G. Garrote, R. Pérez de Ayala & C. Iglesias. (2004) Ellince ibérico (Lynx pardinus) en España y Portugal. Censo-diagnóstico de suspoblaciones. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad, Madrid.IUCN (2003) 2003 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. www.redlist.org.Simón, M.A., J.M. Gil-Sánchez, G. Ruiz, G. Garrote, E.B. McCain, L. Fernández,M. López-Parra, E. Rojas, R. Arenas-Rojas, T. Del Rey, M. García-Tardío, and G.López. 2012. Reverse of the decline of the endangered Iberian lynx. Cons Biol26: 731-736.Simón, M. A. et al. (<strong>2013</strong>) El lince ibérico. Diez años de Conservación. Consejeríade Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía, Sevilla.Vargas, A., I. Sánchez, F. Martínez, A. Rivas, J.A. Godoy, E. Roldán, M.A.Simón, R. Serra, M.J. Pérez, C. Enseñat, M. Delibes, M. Aymerich, A. Sliwa, U.Breitenmoser. (2008) The Iberian lynx Lynx pardinus conservation breedingprogram. Int Zoo Year<strong>book</strong> 42: 190–198.124

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