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MammalsRestoration of black-tailed prairie dogs to VermejoPark Ranch, New Mexico, USADustin LongBiologist, Turner Endangered Species Fund, P.O. Box 131, Cimarron,NM 87714. USA dustin.long@retranches.comintroductionThe black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus; hereafter “prairie dog”) is afossorial, colonial, ground squirrel native to the western grasslands of the UnitedStates, southern Canada and northern Mexico. Recent estimates indicate prairiedogs occupy about 810,000 ha range-wide, representing a ~97% decline fromhistorical occupation levels. This decline is primarily due to sylvatic plague (anexotic disease), loss of habitat and poisoning. Prairie dogs are a keystonespecies and numerous other grassland species, including the black-footed ferret(Mustela nigripes; Federally Endangered; IUCN: Endangered), burrowing owl(Athene cunicularia), ferruginous hawk (Buteo regalis), swift fox (Vulpes velox)and mountain plover (Charadrius montanus; IUCN: Near Threatened), aredependent on or are strongly associated with prairie dog colonies. Mid-19 thcentury accounts of travelerson the Santa Fe Trail innorthern New Mexico describenumerous prairie dogs on theshortgrass prairie in and aroundVermejo Park Ranch (VPR).When VPR was purchased byTed Turner in 1996, prairiedogs occupied

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