Fiqh of Love: Marriage in Islam Instructor: Sh ... - Qabeelat Wasat

Fiqh of Love: Marriage in Islam Instructor: Sh ... - Qabeelat Wasat

Fiqh of Love: Marriage in Islam Instructor: Sh ... - Qabeelat Wasat


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The Purpose andGoals <strong>of</strong> <strong>Marriage</strong>• ProcreationooReproduction <strong>of</strong> Human race as Prophet (SAW) said, have more children as mynation would be known for their numbersThe Prophet (SAW) said, “Marry, for I shall be proud <strong>of</strong> your large numbers onthe Day <strong>of</strong> Judgment.” [Ibn Majah]• Physical pleasureoooWe also marry for the physical pleasure, one <strong>of</strong> the ma<strong>in</strong> purpose is to fulfill thepleasure, and that is why you need to be physically attracted to the person youare go<strong>in</strong>g to marryAllah puts <strong>in</strong> the heart <strong>of</strong> the people the love <strong>of</strong> women (love for men <strong>in</strong> theheart <strong>of</strong> women) and it is a need and it needs to be fulfilled.<strong>Marriage</strong> would protect you from z<strong>in</strong>a and <strong>in</strong>decent acts as well as help you <strong>in</strong>lower<strong>in</strong>g your gaze.• Form<strong>in</strong>g the cornerstone <strong>of</strong> Muslim societyoooWithout marriage the society is corruptLook at Greece and Roman when they open the doors to sexual relationship thatwhen the people used to have sex on streets and with non-mahram etc.If you want a moral society, it starts from a husband and wife, therefore it isimportant that we get marriage and have children and build the community atlarge.• CompanionshipoooooIt is the most beautiful th<strong>in</strong>g about gett<strong>in</strong>g married – to have companion alongwith you.Mostly people are look<strong>in</strong>g for companionship, to be attached to someone.One <strong>of</strong> the pillar <strong>of</strong> marriage is companionshipHumans are by nature lonely – Allah created Eve for Adam and he was so happy.Companionship that is great and really needed

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