Fiqh of Love: Marriage in Islam Instructor: Sh ... - Qabeelat Wasat

Fiqh of Love: Marriage in Islam Instructor: Sh ... - Qabeelat Wasat

Fiqh of Love: Marriage in Islam Instructor: Sh ... - Qabeelat Wasat


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TheProposal/Engagement1. Don't be shy to mention what you really like.2. When a person proposes to a woman or her guardian (Wali) for marriage.3. Khitba- root comes from Al-Khatb which means a great matter, someth<strong>in</strong>g important andserious.4. Thus, engagement is a serious issue.5. Permissible6. No limit on engagement period, it can be few days, months, years.7. Read<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> fatihah at the engagement, part <strong>of</strong> the sunnah? No?o People argue that is the start <strong>of</strong> the Quran -> start <strong>of</strong> married life. Makes no sense,when you get divorced, do you read surah an-nas, the last surah? No logic.8. Engagement period is not a must just a promise.9. You can propose to a girl <strong>in</strong> two ways:ooDirect way: I want to marry your daughter.Indirect way: I heard that you have a very beautiful girl look<strong>in</strong>g to get married and I'mlook<strong>in</strong>g for one.10. Haram to propose a woman directly <strong>in</strong> her iddah, but permissible if it is <strong>in</strong> an <strong>in</strong>direct way.11. A Muslim cannot propose over a proposal <strong>of</strong> his brother until either he marries the womanor gives her up.o Animosity amongst the families12. Yes to engagement, no to dat<strong>in</strong>g.o Relationship beh<strong>in</strong>d the back <strong>of</strong> the families.13. A bride can accept more than one proposal and the man can propose to more than onewoman at a time.o Possibility the two people are propos<strong>in</strong>g do not know each other. Thus notcontradictory to the hadith discussed above.14. Pro<strong>of</strong> Imam <strong>Sh</strong>afi', Malik, Hanbali - if the woman already accepted the proposal it will beharam, if she didn't accept then its okay for multiple people to propose.o A woman came to the Prophet (saw), numerous men have proposed to her, whomshould she marry? Rest <strong>of</strong> hadith?15. It is not recommended to propose to someone undecided. Even though it may bepermissible.o It will add more confusion to the girl.16. Ibn ul Qasim said it is allowed to propose to a girl who receives a proposal from a corruptperson (faasiq)

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