The Case Study - Seylan Bank

The Case Study - Seylan Bank

The Case Study - Seylan Bank


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110<strong>Seylan</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> PLC Annual Report 2009Protecting the Environment<strong>The</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> is committed to preserving andreplenishing the physical environment. All ourpolicies and products are designed with this end insight. Through engagements with our customerswe seek to spread the message of conservation toa broader audience as well. Some of our specialproducts are designed specifically to protect theenvironment and others encourage clients tointegrate environmental concerns into their projectplanning and implementation processes.In this section we examine how the <strong>Bank</strong>’spolicies and processes help preserve the environmentand ensure its sustainability. A key aspect of the<strong>Bank</strong>’s environmental strategy has been the focuson the employees and on generating a culturalchange within the organisation that is committed toprotecting and preserving the environment.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> has integrated energy-savingprocesses and technologies throughout the countryand in all its branches. In redesigning its processesthe <strong>Bank</strong> has focussed on the following areas:Energy ConservationWaste ManagementPaper ManagementEnergy Conservation<strong>The</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> constantly monitors its energy use witha view to reducing costs and making maximum useof the energy consumed. <strong>The</strong> main source of theenergy is the national grid. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> is exploringthe use of alternative and renewable sources ofenergy in its branches.Energy ConservedEnergy ConsumptionHead Office 2009 2008Consumption (Units) 2,504,928 2,827,026Expense (Rs.) 49,300,577 52,290,190<strong>The</strong> head office and many of the <strong>Bank</strong>’sbranches have replaced their incandescent lampswith energy-saving bulbs. By 2011, we will have allour branches using energy-saving bulbs. Naturalsunlight is used where possible.<strong>The</strong> use of air-conditioners is reduced whereverpossible and temperatures are regulated to createoptimum levels of comfort. Computers come withlow radiation levels and are programmed to transitto stand by mode within a short time of idling.Waste Management<strong>The</strong> <strong>Bank</strong>’s policies and processes have beenadapted so as to reduce waste. Where waste doesarise, the <strong>Bank</strong> tries to reuse and recycle whereverthis is technically and economically feasible.Some of the <strong>Bank</strong>’s branches have introducedsystems to segregate waste into plastics, solid waste,paper, glass and other materials. We are exploringseveral waste disposal and reuse options in this regard.We have partnered with N.S. Gunaratne andCo. to dispose of discarded accessories from theHead Office and branches in an environmentallyfriendly way.In the coming year, we hope to collect all usedtoner cartridges in a central location and ensure thatthey are disposed of an environmentally friendly way.Paper Management<strong>The</strong> <strong>Bank</strong>’s objective is to move towards a paperlessoffice in the near future. With this in view the <strong>Bank</strong>has reduced substantially the amount of paperused within the office. Last year, the <strong>Bank</strong> spentRs. 145.164 Mn. on stationery as against theRs. 174.288 Mn. spent a year previously.Expense 2009Rs.2008Rs.Stationery 145,164,498 174,288,304<strong>The</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> makes maximum use of electroniccommunication so as to reduce paper usage.Communications with customers make optimumuse of electronic channels and the <strong>Bank</strong> has attemptedto keep paper communications to a minimum. Wherepossible, paper is recycled and reused.

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