The Case Study - Seylan Bank

The Case Study - Seylan Bank

The Case Study - Seylan Bank


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218<strong>Seylan</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> PLC Annual Report 2009Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements44. Maturity Analysis<strong>Bank</strong>44.a An analysis of the total assets employed as at 31st December 2009, based on the remaining period atthe Balance Sheet date to the respective contractual maturity dates is given below:Up to 3 3 to 12 1 to 3 3 to 5 More Than Total as atMonths Months Years Years 5 Years 31.12.2009Rs. ’000 Rs. ’000 Rs. ’000 Rs. ’000 Rs. ’000 Rs. ’000Interest Earning AssetsBills of Exchange 1,119,644 148,660 54,060 – – 1,322,364Loans & Advances 19,801,856 18,025,676 12,584,684 5,756,331 19,870,424 76,038,971Lease Receivable 677,920 920,764 1,186,286 139,606 1,894 2,926,470Balances with <strong>Bank</strong>s 371,398 – – – – 371,398Short-Term Funds 45,000 – – – – 45,000Commercial Paper – 324,500 – – – 324,500Treasury Bills/Bonds 118,873 2,735,148 14,236,830 10,489,349 1,522,476 29,102,676Securities Purchased UnderResale Agreement 2,951,860 – – – – 2,951,860Group Balance Receivable 714,031 – 13,397 – – 727,42825,800,582 22,154,748 28,075,257 16,385,286 21,394,794 113,810,667Non-Interest Earning AssetsCash in Hand 4,267,407 – – – – 4,267,407Balances with CBSL 5,084,229 – – – – 5,084,229Investments 251,163 – – – 947,893 1,199,056Investment Property 520,812 – – – – 520,812Group Balances Receivable 81,227 – – – – 81,227Property, Plant & Equipment – – – – 3,387,117 3,387,117Income Taxation 89,654 – – – – 89,654Deferred Tax Assets 454,213 – – – – 454,213Other Assets 3,881,490 – – – – 3,881,49014,630,195 – – – 4,335,010 18,965,205Total Assets 40,430,777 22,154,748 28,075,257 16,385,286 25,729,804 132,775,87244.b An analysis of the total liabilities as at 31st December 2009, based on the remaining period at theBalance Sheet date to the respective contractual maturity dates is given below:Up to 3 3 to 12 1 to 3 3 to 5 More Than Total as atMonths Months Years Years 5 Years 31.12.2009Rs. ’000 Rs. ’000 Rs. ’000 Rs. ’000 Rs. ’000 Rs. ’000Interest Bearing LiabilitiesDeposits 61,341,193 22,668,800 3,704,450 1,720,810 6,322,681 95,757,934Securities Sold UnderRepurchase Agreements 1,679,754 198,950 – – – 1,878,704Borrowings 1,884,310 194,361 427,305 211,767 338,097 3,055,840Debentures – 699,000 2,828,250 703,115 – 4,230,36564,905,257 23,761,111 6,960,005 2,635,692 6,660,778 104,922,843

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