The Case Study - Seylan Bank

The Case Study - Seylan Bank

The Case Study - Seylan Bank


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<strong>Seylan</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> PLC Annual Report 2009 95Subject & Ref. Corporate Governance Principle Level of ComplianceAudit CommitteeD.3.4• Names of the members of the AuditCommittee should be disclosed.CompliedPlease refer the Audit Committee Reporton page 100 to 101.Code of BusinessConduct and EthicsD.4.1 & D.4.2Going ConcernD.1.5• Basis for determining theindependence of auditors.• Should disclose whether the Companyhas a Code of Business Conduct &Ethics for directors and members ofthe senior management team.• Should also disclose an affirmativedeclaration that they have abided bysuch Code.• <strong>The</strong> Chairman must certify that he/she is not aware of any violation ofany of the provisions of this Code.Should report that the Company is a goingconcern, with supporting assumptionsand qualifications as necessary.Please refer page 128 of the Annual Report.CompliedCompliedPlease refer “Statement of Directors’Responsibility for Financial Statements”B. Remuneration Committee ReportSubject & Ref. Disclosure RemarksMembers ofRemunerationCommitteeB.1.3<strong>The</strong> names of the members ofRemuneration Committee shouldbe disclosed in the RemunerationCommittee Report.CompliedPlease refer the Remuneration CommitteeReport on page 103 of the Annual Reportand also page 124 of the Annual Report ofthe board of directors.

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