The Case Study - Seylan Bank

The Case Study - Seylan Bank

The Case Study - Seylan Bank


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<strong>Seylan</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> PLC Annual Report 2009 139Balance SheetBANKGROUPAs at 31st December 2009 2008 2009 2008(Reclassfied)(Restated)Note Rs. ’000 Rs. ’000 Rs. ’000 Rs. ’000AssetsCash & Cash Equivalents 14 4,683,805 5,511,331 4,691,881 5,680,774Balance with Central <strong>Bank</strong> of Sri Lanka 15 5,084,229 6,857,039 5,084,360 6,857,153Commercial Papers 324,500 390,000 324,500 390,000Securities Purchased under Resale Agreements 2,951,860 664,934 2,955,390 855,055Dealing Securities 16 14,544,172 865,977 16,475,533 1,410,066Investment Securities 17 14,897,394 24,243,200 16,421,677 27,261,001Bills of Exchange 18 1,322,364 1,471,831 1,322,364 1,471,831Loans & Advances 19 76,038,971 97,746,084 76,045,385 99,078,324Lease Rentals Receivable within One Year 20 1,598,684 2,245,873 1,598,684 3,189,889Lease Rentals Receivable later than One Yearand not later than Five Years 21 1,325,892 2,686,524 1,325,892 3,792,276Lease Rentals Receivable after Five Years 22 1,894 3,813 1,894 9,927Investments in Associate Companies – – – 54,315Investments in Subsidiary Companies 23 860,166 948,529 – –Group Balances Receivable 24 808,655 623,180 – –Investment Properties 25 520,812 520,812 1,504,676 1,541,058Current Taxation 89,654 108,273 89,654 108,273Deferred Taxation 26 454,213 91,582 454,360 95,790Property, Plant & Equipment 27 3,324,034 4,073,353 4,111,573 4,938,612Leasehold Rights 28 63,083 64,165 664,220 673,180Intangible Assets 29 – – – 25,410Other Assets 30 3,881,490 4,929,745 4,195,808 5,875,555Total Assets 132,775,872 154,046,245 137,267,851 163,308,489LiabilitiesDeposits 31 104,815,899 107,938,801 104,815,899 109,505,539Borrowings 32 3,055,840 7,105,018 3,498,704 9,208,809Securities Sold under Repurchase Agreements 1,878,704 14,516,393 4,174,877 19,085,870Group Balances Payable 33 9,575 1,523,992 – –Advance Received against Debentures 34.a – 630,565 – 630,565Debentures 34.b 4,230,365 4,056,900 4,230,365 4,253,835Current Tax Liabilities – – 142,732 25,343Other Liabilities 35 8,203,015 11,254,565 8,493,187 11,901,450Total Liabilities 122,193,398 147,026,234 125,355,764 154,611,411EquityStated Capital 36 5,567,820 2,542,420 5,567,820 2,542,420Statutory Reserve Fund 37 506,919 479,754 506,919 481,650Reserves 38 4,507,735 3,997,837 5,034,399 4,762,455Total Equity Attributable to Equity Holders of the <strong>Bank</strong> 10,582,474 7,020,011 11,109,138 7,786,525Minority Interest – – 802,949 910,553Total Equity 10,582,474 7,020,011 11,912,087 8,697,078Total Liabilities & Equity 132,775,872 154,046,245 137,267,851 163,308,489Commitments & Contingencies 39 22,262,562 26,874,375 22,262,562 26,874,375Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements from pages 143 to 226 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.<strong>The</strong> Financial Statements have been prepared in compliance with the requirements of the Companies Act No. 07 of 2007.Raaj De SilvaChief Financial OfficerAjita PasqualGeneral Manager/Chief ExecutiveApproved and signed for and on behalf of the board.Eastman Narangoda r. Nadarajah Ms. M.R.S. GunasekaraExecutive Chairman Executive Director Company Secretary17th February 2010

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