The Case Study - Seylan Bank

The Case Study - Seylan Bank

The Case Study - Seylan Bank


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86<strong>Seylan</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> PLC Annual Report 2009<strong>The</strong> composition and scope/terms of referenceof the board subcommittees which were functionalas at 31st December 2009 and their attendance atcommittee meetings during 2009 are given below:Committee /Composition No. of meetings Scope/Terms of referenceEligibility Attendedto attendAudit Committee:Mr. P.L.P. Withana (Chairman)Mr. F.N. Goonewardena(resigned on 3/12/09)Mr. N.M. Jayamanne PC(appointed w.e.f. 24/2/09)Mr. P.G.S. Kariyawasam(appointed w.e.f. 3/12/09)775N/A*773N/A* No Meetings were held after 3rd December 2009 until 31st December 2009<strong>The</strong> Audit Committee comprises three Non-ExecutiveDirectors (of whom two are independent) and isheaded by Mr. Lalith Withana an Independent Directorwho possesses relevant financial experience andqualifications.<strong>The</strong> Executive Director, CEO, Chief Financial Officer andDGM Internal Audit attend the Committee meetingsby invitation. <strong>The</strong> External Auditors participate atthe meeting whenever required and therefore hasdirect access to the Audit Committee to report on anymatters independently to the board. <strong>The</strong> Committeehas met seven times during 2009.<strong>The</strong> Committee reviews Internal Controls, InformationTechnology governance activities and security andcontrols and reviews and monitors all audit activitiesand operations and the effectiveness of internalcontrols including IT/Information Systems controlthat are in place and the <strong>Bank</strong>’s compliance with keystatutory and regulatory requirements and industrybest practices.<strong>The</strong> Report of the Audit Committee is set out on page100 to 101 of the Annual Report.

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