Traditional Probation & Intensive Supervision ... - Ottawa County

Traditional Probation & Intensive Supervision ... - Ottawa County

Traditional Probation & Intensive Supervision ... - Ottawa County


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Of those probationers who received an ADE assessment, the following graph identifies their level ofsubstance abuse (i.e. alcohol and/or drug). According to the ADE assessment results, a majority(77.4%) of probationers have serious issues with alcohol addiction (i.e. Alcohol ADE score of 4 orhigher). Severe drug-abuse problems were much less common. A detailed table of the assessment scoredata for <strong>Traditional</strong> and ISP probationers is provided in Attachment K.Alcohol and Drug Assessment ScoresPercent of <strong>Probation</strong>ers0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0%Alcohol (ADE 1), Drug (ADE 1)Alcohol (ADE 1), Drug (ADE 2)Alcohol (ADE 1), Drug (ADE 3)1.4%0.8%1.6%Alcohol (ADE 1), Drug (ADE 4)Alcohol (ADE 1), Drug (ADE 5)0.2%Alcohol (ADE 2), Drug (ADE 1)1.4%Alcohol (ADE 2), Drug (ADE 2)0.6%Alcohol (ADE 2), Drug (ADE 3)0.2%ADE Assessment ResultAlcohol (ADE 2), Drug (ADE 4)Alcohol (ADE 2), Drug (ADE 5)Alcohol (ADE 3), Drug (ADE 1)Alcohol (ADE 3), Drug (ADE 2)Alcohol (ADE 3), Drug (ADE 3)2.0%5.0%8.8%Alcohol (ADE 3), Drug (ADE 4)0.4%Alcohol (ADE 3), Drug (ADE 5)0.4%Alcohol (ADE 4), Drug (ADE 1)11.2%Alcohol (ADE 4), Drug (ADE 2)20.4%Alcohol (ADE 4), Drug (ADE 3)5.8%Alcohol (ADE 4), Drug (ADE 4)Alcohol (ADE 4), Drug (ADE 5)0.6%1.8%Alcohol (ADE 5), Drug (ADE 1)5.4%Alcohol (ADE 5), Drug (ADE 2)16.6%Alcohol (ADE 5), Drug (ADE 3)7.6%Alcohol (ADE 5), Drug (ADE 4)Alcohol (ADE 5), Drug (ADE 5)3.0%5.0%Of the 1,572 total probationers included in this study 1,347 (85.7%) were ordered to attend substanceabuse treatment 1 . The cost to probationers for treatment ranges from $350 to $1,000 depending on thelevel of treatment received. The length of treatment is determined by the counseling agency. A list ofthe treatment agencies utilized by the Department of <strong>Probation</strong> and Community Corrections is providedin Attachment L.A survey (Attachment M) was distributed to the agencies that provide counseling services toprobationers in <strong>Ottawa</strong> <strong>County</strong>. It is worth noting that all eleven agencies indicated they provideholistic (spiritual, physical, social, emotional, mental) treatment to address all of a probationer’sunderlying issue(s) that may have contributed to them being in the criminal justice system.1. Data regarding the type(s) of treatment (e.g. outpatient, intensive outpatient) probationers were ordered to attend were not collected.Evaluation: <strong>Traditional</strong> and ISP <strong>Probation</strong> Page 11 Prepared by: <strong>Ottawa</strong> <strong>County</strong> Planning Department (08/03/07)

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