Traditional Probation & Intensive Supervision ... - Ottawa County

Traditional Probation & Intensive Supervision ... - Ottawa County

Traditional Probation & Intensive Supervision ... - Ottawa County


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Attachment VParticipant Interview Results• My probation officer was fair, flexible, very helpful, and easy to deal with• My probation officer was helpful, understanding, cooperative, and willing to meet some of my requests• My probation officer was fair and understanding• My probation officer was helpful and easy to talk to• My probation officer was very supportive, concerned, and worked with my schedule• My probation officer was fair, honest, and strict• My probation officer was concerned• My probation officer was fair• My probation officer really tried to help me• My probation officer was caring• My probation officer was fairly easy to talk to• My probation officer was nice and wanted to see me get the help I needed• My probation officer seemed to want to help me; my probation officer worked with my schedule• My probation officer was very helpful and worked with my job situation• My probation officer did her job and was respectful at the same time• My probation officer was great and really worked with me• My probation officer was very understanding of my situation• My probation officer talked to me in a very appropriate manner• My probation officer got me into counseling• I got along with my probation officer because he/she didn’t have a bad attitude• My probation officer realized that I had an addiction and sent me to AA; AA turned out to be very helpful• My probation officer was very nice, helpful, and understanding; all these qualities made it easy for me to beopen with my probation officer• My probation officer helped me to quit drinking• My probation officer had a positive outlook and I really liked that• My probation officer was straight to the point; I went in with a positive attitude• My probation officer was really nice and it was easy for me to relate because my probation officer was female• My probation officer was nice and hard on me at the same time; my probation officer was never mean• My probation officer paid attention to me and really listened• My probation officer was very open to questions, did not judge me, and was willing to work with me• I completed my probation early because I was really trying to better myself• My probation officer tried to help by sending me to counseling and checking up on me• My probation officer worked with me, however, my probation officer was only there in the morning and I hatedreporting prior to work.• My probation officer was nice and courteous; my probation officer didn’t look down on me and was alwayspositive• We had good conversations and my probation officer seemed to respect me• My probation officer cared about rehabilitating me and other probationers• My probation officer was interested in listening to me and not just being an authority figure• My probation officer asked me how I was staying out of trouble• My probation officer was always ready for me• My probation officer was willing to help out a young kid and get him on the right track. My probation officertalked with me and really listened• My probation officer was a character, very nice, compassionate.• I did all the requirements of probation. I wasn’t going to mess with the system; I wanted to get it over with• My probation officer trusted me and I could trust my probation officer• It was my probation officer’s way or no way• My probation officer listened to me and gave me suggestions for employment opportunities• I had no issues, pretty easy probation – I just had to report once a month and go to classes, no drug or alcoholtests (not on probation for alcohol or drug offense)• My probation officer helped me see what I was and wasn’t supposed to do

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