Traditional Probation & Intensive Supervision ... - Ottawa County

Traditional Probation & Intensive Supervision ... - Ottawa County

Traditional Probation & Intensive Supervision ... - Ottawa County


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Attachment GData ValidationIn order to ensure the data utilized for this report were as accurate and as complete aspossible, several data validation steps were employed during the data analysis process.These steps include: 1) Minimizing Sources of Inaccurate Data; 2) Locating Inaccurate orMissing Data; and 3) Correcting Inaccurate or Missing Data. The following is asummary of the validation steps:1) Minimizing Sources of Inaccurate DataAfter the data collection superforms were returned to the Planning Department, thesedata were manually entered into an Access Database designed specifically for theprobation program evaluation. This initial data entry is the most common place fordata to become inaccurate. Consequently, these data entry errors are minimized byutilizing a single, trained data entry person. Additionally, the <strong>Probation</strong> Office wascontacted by the Planning Department whenever handwriting was illegible on a hardcopy form. Data entry errors were also minimized by comparing the data collectionform to the data entered into the database and subsequently correcting anyinconsistencies.2) Locating Inaccurate or Missing DataAlthough the sources of inaccurate data are minimized, data may still be inaccurateor missing. The steps taken to locate missing or inaccurate data include the use ofmeta-data (i.e. statistical rules utilized as a measuring stick for finding inaccurate ormissing data). Whenever possible, the Access database fields allow only oneoption from a predetermined set of options to be selected. This guarantees thatonly one valid value will be entered into the data field. When data field optiongroups are not feasible, other rules were employed such as consecutiverequirements, redundancy rules, and value rules. Consecutive requirements help toensure that, for example, a date entered into one field (i.e. start date of counseling)cannot be prior to another date (i.e. start date of program). Redundancy rules areutilized to verify that each participant has only one record in the database and valuerules were applied to spot unreasonable data (i.e. “outliers”) or missing data.3) Correcting Inaccurate or Missing DataAfter inaccurate or missing data are located, they must be corrected.Manual re-verification is employed by requesting missing data from theprogram administrator. “Outliers” within a data field are also re-verifiedwith the program administrator to determine if a correction is warranted.

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