Clean Sweep Programs - US Environmental Protection Agency

Clean Sweep Programs - US Environmental Protection Agency

Clean Sweep Programs - US Environmental Protection Agency

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Summary of Pennsylvania Waste Pesticide Disposal ProgramThe Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture started Chemsweep as an on-going pesticide disposalprogram in 1993. This program provided farmers a means to dispose of unwanted pesticides in sixcounties. A total of 29,700 pounds of pesticides was collected and disposed of by incineration.Chemsweep is operated by a contractor who is selected by competitive bid. To participate inChemsweep, every participant must complete an inventory form and submit it to the Department ofAgriculture within a specified time frame. The collection process operates with the participant delivering theunwanted pesticides to the site or the contractor making farm pick-ups. This latter method is usedextensively in Pennsylvania. Before the collection of the pesticides, inspectors from the Department ofAgriculture visit each site to “confirm inventory, evaluate whether a ‘clean-up’is required, and sampleunknown materials”. Some of the most commonly collected pesticides include zineb, copper sulfate, DDT,2,4-D, chlordane, atrazine, dinoseb and parathion. During the period 1993-1997, approximately 89,722pounds of these pesticides were collected. Trends show that 95% of collected pesticides are disposed ofby incineration and those remaining are placed in hazardous waste landfills permitted by EPA.Chemsweep had a goal to provide every county in Pennsylvania with an opportunity to participatein the free disposal program by 1998. This goal was met, with participation from all 67 counties in the state.Chemsweep now has a goal to cover the state for a second time. Chemsweep has been successful, with atotal collection and disposal of more than one million pounds of pesticides for the period 1993 through2000.YearPennsylvania Table 1 - Quantity of Pesticides CollectedQuantity ofPesticides (pounds)Number ofParticipantsAverage Quantity of Pesticides perParticipant (pounds/participant)1993 29,700 179 1661994 60,133 380 1581995 82,084 345 2381996 300,293 980 3061997 174,048 421 4131998 188,110 657 2861999 86,189 157 5492000 81,040 no data NATOTAL 1,001,597 More than 3,119 295 (through 1999)Information on program cost is not available.NA = not applicable

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