Clean Sweep Programs - US Environmental Protection Agency

Clean Sweep Programs - US Environmental Protection Agency

Clean Sweep Programs - US Environmental Protection Agency

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Section 2 <strong>Clean</strong> <strong>Sweep</strong> Program Operationsfor mercury alone. The three most active counties(of 15 permanent sites) also run annual satellitecollections in areas which are distant from thepermanent centers.Minnesota’s strategy differs from Michigan’sin that the state contracts directly with the wastemanagement company and is able to use its servicesat any time, not only for scheduled collection events,but also for special runs as needed. Minnesota usesthe same contractor for <strong>Clean</strong> <strong>Sweep</strong>s and householdhazardous waste (HHW) collections and savesmoney because both kinds of waste are collected atthe same time and there is only one mobilization fee.Minnesota has learned that it is advisable to includea clause that allows the parties to extend the contractafter 1, 2 or 3 years. If legally acceptable, thissaves the considerable time and effort involved inrebidding a contract, particularly when the contractoris performing well.2.12 Which hazardous waste managementcompanies have been or areactively involved with <strong>Clean</strong> <strong>Sweep</strong>programs?A limited number of contractors have beeninvolved with <strong>Clean</strong> <strong>Sweep</strong> programs becausehazardous waste vendors must have specializedknowledge, experience and equipment and must bidcompetitively for the state and county governmentcontracts. The following companies are listed forinformational purposes only. No endorsement ofany company is implied, and other companies are ormay soon be entering the field. In addition, the factthat a contractor has been awarded contracts forseveral years does not guarantee that the contractorwill continue to maintain quality control and winfuture contracts. States have used the followingcontractors:• Advanced <strong>Environmental</strong> Technical Services• Care <strong>Environmental</strong> Corporation• <strong>Clean</strong> Harbors <strong>Environmental</strong> Services• ENSCO Services• HAZ-M.E.R.T Inc.• Heritage <strong>Environmental</strong> Services, LLC• LWD, Inc.• MSE <strong>Environmental</strong>• Onyx <strong>Environmental</strong> Services• Philip Services Corporation• Safety-Kleen (Columbia, SC).Addresses, phone numbers and websites forthese firms are provided in Appendix IV. Thesecompanies can provide a starting point for stateswishing to identify potential hazardous wastecontractors, the types of services they offer and theirlocations.2.13 How can states reduce disposalcosts and improve programefficiency?The methods of collecting, identifying andpacking waste pesticides greatly impact theoperating costs and efficiency of <strong>Clean</strong> <strong>Sweep</strong>programs. For example, a decision to move wastesto an incinerator versus stabilizing them and sendingthem to a landfill could increase disposal costs by afactor of three to five. Similarly, costs can easilydouble if a large number of partially filled metalcontainers are lab packed rather than decanted.Lab packs are overpack drums that contain smallcontainers of waste.A <strong>Clean</strong> <strong>Sweep</strong> program manager’s ideas forreducing program costs and improvingefficiency 2 are summarized below. Many of theadministrative strategies require considerablecoordination and planning between the manager and2This discussion is based on presentations by Roger Springman, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer <strong>Protection</strong>,at the 1997 and 1998 Conferences of the North American Hazardous Materials Management Association.28

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