Fremantle Port Inner Harbour and Channel ... - Fremantle Ports

Fremantle Port Inner Harbour and Channel ... - Fremantle Ports

Fremantle Port Inner Harbour and Channel ... - Fremantle Ports

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MethodsInputsThe choice of suitable archive imagery was difficult <strong>and</strong> limited given the availability of cloud freearchive imagery in combination with unknown turbidity levels <strong>and</strong> depths in the water column, whichcould only be assessed once imagery had been acquired over the AOI.After assessment, certain areas of the WV-2 imagery were deemed unsuitable for substrate mappingdue to high turbidity levels <strong>and</strong> significant water depths. An archive GE-1 4-b<strong>and</strong> image, captured on5th December 2011, was additionally acquired over the northern part of the study site to supplementthe 8-b<strong>and</strong> WV-2 imagery. While only available for a portion of the overall study site, the GE-1 imagewas deemed more suitable for mapping substrates due to less interference by sun glint, turbidity <strong>and</strong>wave conditions.The two image sources were used to complete this project where WV-2 data was used for thesouthern part of the Analysis AOI, while GE-1 was used for the northern part of the Analysis AOI(Figure 1). Due to the difference in spectral b<strong>and</strong>s, spatial resolution, capture angles <strong>and</strong> imagedates, the WV-2 <strong>and</strong> GE-1 images were processed separately. Image details <strong>and</strong> specifications arecontained in Table 1.Table 1: Overview of Image inputs <strong>and</strong> their specificationsImage Source Capture Dates Area ResolutionWorldView-2 25th December 2011 27 sqkm 2m multispectralGeoEye-1 5th December 2011 25 sqkm 2m multispectralField data was also provided by Oceanica Consulting which included transect information onsubstrates <strong>and</strong> sea-floor cover (point based) <strong>and</strong> an extrapolated broad scale habitat map(raster/polygon based). This data was used as input to inform the classification.Image ProcessingGeoimage prepared the imagery for analysis using st<strong>and</strong>ard image processing tools.Sun glint reduction was performed on both WV-2 <strong>and</strong> GE-1 multispectral images using an algorithmutilising information from the Near Infrared b<strong>and</strong>s.Upon completion of the sun glint reduction process, the data was clipped to the Analysis AOI basedon Figure 1 where GE-1 data took precedence over the WV-2 data. The clipped areas were uploadedinto a Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA) environment for individual assessment.Data integration <strong>and</strong> classificationThe delivery of this project was divided into two parts, as specified in Geoimage’s product <strong>and</strong>services quote, with Project 2 dependent on the outcomes of the preceding Project 1. Both projectswere completed using a combination of the spectral characteristics of the WV-2 <strong>and</strong> GE-1multispectral imagery along with manual assignment of marine substrate classes based on trainingdata, which consisted of georeferenced point-based locations <strong>and</strong> type of substrates as defined in thesupplied field data.Due to the possibility of spatial <strong>and</strong> temporal shifts inherent between the acquisition of the imagery<strong>and</strong> field data, as well as the potential refraction within the water column, the field data was used asan approximate indicator of the existence of certain substrates at a given location.Specialists in Satellite Imagery <strong>and</strong> Geospatial Solutions | Commercial in confidence Page | 5

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