2009 Abstracts - Association for Chemoreception Sciences

2009 Abstracts - Association for Chemoreception Sciences

2009 Abstracts - Association for Chemoreception Sciences


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analysis of CTA processing (Baird et al., 2005). In this study, weanalyzed acquisition, expression and extinction of CTA inC57Bl/6J (B6) and DBA2/J (D2) mice by examining lickingbehavior to LiCl and NaCl solutions. In preliminary studies withwater-restricted mice, we obtained baseline values <strong>for</strong> waterlicking and established that B6 and D2 mice respond equivalentlyto concentration series of NaCl and LiCl in brief access tests.Methods: Water-restricted mice were trained to lick water in theMS160 lickometer. On conditioning day, mice received a 20-mintrial with either 0.12M NaCl or LiCl. For 6 days followingacquisition, mice received a 20-min trial of 0.12M NaCl. Results:On conditioning day, mice from both strains responded similarlyto NaCl and LiCl in the first minute, suggesting these stimuli arecomparable in taste. All mice receiving LiCl rapidly <strong>for</strong>med anaversion beginning in the second minute; D2 mice displayedcomplete aversion by minute 3, while B6 showed this by minute6. On the following day, both strains avoided NaCl relative tocontrols; B6 displayed comparable licks to controls by the 4 thminute, while D2s did not show this until the 8 th minute.However, D2 mice showed lick counts close to zero throughoutthe entire trial. Conclusion: B6 and D2 mice can rapidly develop aCTA to LiCl via self-administration in a lickometer. The CTAgeneralizes to NaCl the next day, but extinguishes, with B6 miceshowing a faster rate of extinction than D2 mice.#P74 Poster session II: Chemosensory response to,and control of, feeding/NeuroethologyBeyond Tas1r3: Identification of other loci affectingconsumption of sweet-tasting compoundsNatalia P. Bosak, Maria L. Theodorides, Cailu Lin, ZakiyyahSmith, Gary K. Beauchamp, Alexander A. BachmanovMonell Chemical Senses Center Philadelphia, PA, USAInbred mouse strains differ in their responses to sweet tastestimuli. Although allelic variation of the Tas1r3 locus is partiallyresponsible <strong>for</strong> these differences, our genetic analyses usingC57BL/6ByJ (B6) and 129P3/J (129) strains suggests that otherloci are also involved and that some of them are sweetenerspecific.We have further studied such loci using an F2 intercrossbetween B6 inbred and 129.B6-Tas1r3 congenic mice andsubsequent selective breeding. F2 mice varied in consumption ofthe 30 mM glycine and 20 mM saccharin and there was nocorrelation between these two traits. From the F2 generation, westarted selective breeding of two pairs of lines: with high and lowsaccharin intakes, and with high and low glycine preferences. Thephenotype-based selection resulted in divergence between thesepairs of lines, which confirms presence of loci polymorphicbetween the B6 and 129 strains. To refine positions of these loci,we have genotyped mice from the 10th and 8th generations ofselective breeding with markers on chromosomes, which werepreviously linked to glycine preference and saccharin intake,respectively. For all chromosomes, there was a significantdivergence of frequencies of alleles in these regions. For glycineselection, mice from the High line accumulated B6 alleles in Chr2,7 and 12, and 129 alleles in Chr14. For saccharin selection, micefrom the High line accumulated B6 alleles in Chr1, 3 and 13, and129 alleles in Chr2 and 7. Mice from the Low lines accumulatedalleles from the opposite strain at these locations. This observationsuggests a complex genetic architecture of behavioral tasteresponses to sweeteners. There are two distinct sets of genesregulating glycine and saccharin consumption and each parentalstrain contributes loci increasing or decreasing a trait value.#P75 Poster session II: Chemosensory response to,and control of, feeding/NeuroethologyThe Benzamil (Bz)-insensitive NaCl Chorda Tympani (CT)Taste Nerve Responses Demonstrate Increased Sensitivity toTRPV1t Modulators in Alcohol-preferring (P) RatsVijay Lyall, Tam-Hao T. Phan, Shobha Mummalaneni, PamelaMelone, Jamison Coleman, John A. DeSimoneDepartment of Physiology and Biophysics, VirginiaCommonwealth University Richmond, VA, USAEthanol (ETH), nicotine (NIC) and resiniferatoxin (RTX),modulators of TRPV1t, induce biphasic effects on rat BzinsensitiveNaCl CT responses. At low concentrations theyenhance and at high concentrations inhibit the NaCl CT response.To investigate if chronic ethanol ingestion and genetic preference<strong>for</strong> ethanol are related to alterations in the Bz-insensitive NaClCT responses, we investigated the effect of ETH, NIC and RTXon the Bz-insensitive NaCl CT responses in alcohol-preferring(P) and alcohol nonpreferring (NP) rats. In naïve P rats ETH,NIC and RTX concentration versus the magnitude of the BzinsensitiveNaCl CT response curves were significantly higherand were shifted to the left on the agonist concentration axisrelative to NP rats. This suggests that alcohol preference increasesthe sensitivity of TRPV1t to stimulation by various agonists.P and NP rats were adapted to chronic oral ethanol ingestionusing the sucrose fading paradigm. When adapted to 5% ethanol,P rats consumed significantly more ethanol than NP rats givenfree access to ethanol alone or when given a choice betweenethanol and water. NP rats given oral 5% ethanol <strong>for</strong> 2 weeks theRTX concentration versus the Bz-insensitive NaCl CT doseresponse curve was higher and shifted to the left on theconcentration axis and was not different from the responseprofiles observed in naïve P rats or P rats given 5% ethanol.These results suggest that upon chronic ethanol consumption NPrats develop the phenotype of P rats related to TRPV1t activity.We conclude that TRPV1t activity is modulated by both ethanolconsumption and genetic preference <strong>for</strong> alcohol.#P76 Poster session II: Chemosensory response to,and control of, feeding/NeuroethologyCentral neural sensitivity to ethanol and other taste stimuliin selectively bred ethanol-preferring and ethanol-nonpreferringratsChristian H Lemon 1 , Susan M Brasser 21St. Louis University School of Medicine Saint Louis, MO, USA,2San Diego State University San Diego, CA, USAA strong positive relationship has been found in mammals <strong>for</strong>preference and intake of ethanol and sweet-tasting substances.Ethanol is an ingested drug and its first direct interaction with thebody is orosensory. Data from randomly bred rats indicate thatorally-applied ethanol stimulates neural substrates <strong>for</strong> sweet taste,which are known to activate <strong>for</strong>ebrain systems associated withreward. Yet it is unknown how ethanol’s appetitive sweet tasteproperties play into the array of variables that influence alcoholingestive rein<strong>for</strong>cement. Here, we made in vivoelectrophysiological recordings from central gustatory neurons inselectively bred ethanol-preferring (P) and ethanol-non-preferring(NP) rats (Lumeng et al. 1977) to determine if a relationship existsbetween genetically-mediated alcohol preference and the neuralprocessing of ethanol taste. Rats were anesthetized and taste50 | AChemS <strong>Abstracts</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

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