Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh

Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh

Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh


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CONTENTSix88 The Management of Acute Mania 483J. L. Beyer and K. R. R. KrishnanPART G SCHIZOPHRENIC DISORDERS ANDMOOD-INCONGRUENT PARANOID STATES 49189 Late-life Psychotic Disorders:Nosology and Classification 493L. T. Eyler Zorrilla and D. Jeste90 Clinical Assessment and Differential Diagnosis 497D. N. Anderson91 Aetiology, Genetics and Risk Factors 503D. J. Castle and R. M. MurrayBrain Imaging in Schizophrenia-like andParanoid Disorders in Late Life 508R. Howard92 Schizophrenic Disorder and Mood-incongruentParanoid States: Epidemiology, Prevalence,Incidence and Course 511R. Howard93 The Fate of Schizophrenia with AdvancingAge: Research Findings and Implications forClinical Care 513R. Howard94 Rehabilitation and Long-term Management 517R. Pugh95 Treatment of Late-onset Psychotic Disorders 521E. M. Zayas and G. T. Grossberg96 Risk Factors for Dyskinesia in the Elderly 527T. R. E. BarnesPART H NEUROSES 53597 Nosology and Classification ofNeurotic Disorders 537D. Bienenfeld98 Epidemiology of Neurotic Disorders 541D. G. Blazer99 Stress, Coping and Social Support 545L. R. Landerman and D. Hughes100 Clinical Features of Anxiety Disorders 551E. L. Cassidy, P. J. Swales and J. I. Sheikh101 Prognosis of Anxiety Disorders 555P. J. Swales, E. L. Cassidy and J. I. Sheikh102 Acute Management of Anxiety and Phobias 559J. I. Sheikh, E. L. Cassidy and P. J. Swales103 Psychopharmacological Treatment of Anxiety 563J. L. Beyer and K. R. R. Krishnan104 Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder 571J. Lindesay105 Hypochondriacal Disorder 575A. Allen and E. W. Busse106 Other Neurotic Disorders 579J. J. Schulte and D. BienenfeldPART I PERSONALITY DISORDERS 585107 Personality Disorders: Aetiology and Genetics 587V. Molinari, T. Siebert and M. Swartz108 Theoretical and Management Issues 593R. C. AbramsPART J MENTAL AND BEHAVIOURALDISORDERS DUE TO PSYCHOACTIVESUBSTANCES 599109 Alcohol Abuse in the Elderly 601H. Kyomen and B. Liptzin110 Epidemiology of Alcohol Problems andDrinking Patterns 607C. F. Hybels and D. G. Blazer111 Drug Misuse in the Elderly 613P. Bown, A. H. Ghodse and M. T. <strong>Abou</strong>-<strong>Saleh</strong>Benzodiazepam Use and Abuse in theCommunity: Liverpool Studies 619K. Wilson and P. MottramPART K LEARNING AND BEHAVIOURALDISORDERS 621112 Old Age and Learning Disability 623O. Raji and S. Hollins113a Elderly Offenders 627J. M. Parrott113b Sleep and Ageing: Disorders and Management 631H. ChiuRating Scale for Aggressive Behaviourin the Elderly 633L. C. W. Lam114 Sexual Disorders 635J. M. Kellett115 Phenomenology of Wandering 637A. Habib and G. T. GrossbergPART L THE PRESENTATION OF MENTALILLNESS IN ELDERLY PERSONS INDIFFERENT CULTURES 639116a Problems of Assessing Psychiatric Symptomsand Illness in Different Cultures 641M. Abas116b Depression in the Indian Subcontinent 645V. Patel116c Dementia in the Indian Subcontinent 647S. Rajkumar, M. Ganguli and D. Jeste117 Dementia and Depression in Africa 649O. Baiyewu118 Mental Illness in South America 651S. L. Blay

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