Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh

Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh

Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh


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ELECTROCONVULSIVE THERAPY 43745. Summers W, Robins E, Reich T. The natural history of acute organicmental syndrome after bilateral electroconvulsive therapy. BiolPsychiat 1979; 14: 905–12.46. Jha AK, Stein GS, Fenwick P. Negative interaction between lithiumand electroconvulsive therapy—a case-control study. Br J Psychiat1996; 168(2): 241–3.47. Benbow SM. Old age psychiatrists’ views on the use of ECT. Int JGeriat Psychiat 1991; 6: 317–22.48. Mirchandani I, Abrams R, Young R, Alexopoulos G. One-yearfollow-up of continuation convulsive therapy prescribed for depressedelderly patients. Int J Geriat Psychiat 1994; 9: 31–6.49. Petrides G, Dhossche D, Fink M, Francis A. Continuation ECT:relapse prevention in affective disorders. Convuls Ther 1994; 10: 189–94.50. Kim E, Zisselman M, Pelchat R. Factors affecting compliance withmaintenance electroconvulsive therapy: a preliminary study. Int JGeriat Psychiat 1996; 11: 473–6.51. Schwarz T, Loewenstein J, Isenberg K. Maintenance ECT:indications and outcome. Convuls Ther 1995; 11: 14–23.52. Sackeim HA, Prudic J, Devanand DP et al. A prospective,randomized, double-blind comparison of bilateral and right unilateralelectroconvulsive therapy at different stimulus intensities. Arch GenPsychiat 2000; 57(5): 425–34.53. McCall WV, Reboussin DM, Weiner RD, Sackheim HA. Titratedmoderately suprathreshold vs fixed high-dose right unilateralelectroconvulsive therapy: acute antidepressant and cognitive effects.Arch Gen Psychiat 2000; 57(5): 438–44.

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