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<strong>ZOOTAXA</strong> 1999 Háva et al.: 76 (key, descriptions) >> compared to N. smefarka652000 Sikes & Peck: 396 (descriptions, phylogenetics)Comments: Lectotype data for Nicrophorus przewalskii Semenov-Tian-Shanskij, 1894"Necrophorus Przewaskii m. typ. [male symbol] A. Semenow det."; /"Necrophorus przewalskii"/[only type specimen found in ZMAS- orig. descr. indicates another exists, but werenot found, thus we designate the found specimen the lectotype]; "Collection the ZoologicalInstitute, Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia"; /gold foil circle label; /[CHINA]: [Gansu prov.], “Ganq-su”, 1-31 August 1872 (coll. N. Przewalsky) / red rectangularlabel with double black border “LECTOTYPE Nicrophorus przewalskii Semenov-Tian-Shanskij, 1894 Det. D. S. Sikes 2001 ZMAS70116Nic” - male (St. Petersburg[ZMAS]); pronotal width: 7.90 mm.Nicrophorus pustulatus Herschel, 1807Type locality: “aus NordAmerika” [descrip.]Type depository: ZMHB: Berlin ?Distribution: Nearctic: eastern through northeastern & north central North America1807 Herschel: 271 (descriptions in German) >> Orig. comb.: Necrophorus pustulatus;described in footnote [!N, S]1853 LeConte: 276 (descriptions)1853 Melsheimer: 39 (catalog) >> auth. attrib. Illiger1854 Lacordaire: 200 (biology, catalog in French)1859c LeConte: 37 (checklist)1868 Gemminger & Harold: 719 (catalog)1873 Crotch: 37 (checklist) >> as Silpha pustulata1877 Provancher: 225 (in French)1878b Hubbard & Schwarz: 650 (checklist)1880 Horn: 233 (revision: key, descriptions & catalog)1885 Henshaw: 26 (checklist)1895 Hamilton: 324 (checklist)1903 Portevin: 330 (descriptions in French) >> as N. pustulatus var. Melsheimeri(maritimus Guér.)1905 Davis: 13 (checklist)1910 Barkowski: 80 (key, descriptions, regional in German)1910 Blatchley: 275 (key, descriptions, regional)1910 Jakobson: 612 (checklist in Russian)1910 Smith: 229 (checklist)1911 Wickham: 11 (checklist)1918 McAtee (biology, ecology)1920 Britton: 224 (checklist)1920 Leng: 86 (catalog)1920 Weiss & West: 4 (biology, ecology) >> “Biology” - Hatch 19281924 Hatch: 560 (checklist)1924 Portevin: 86 (key, descriptions in French) >> description of variation: 2 unavailablenames152 © 2002 Magnolia PressSIKES ET AL.

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