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<strong>ZOOTAXA</strong>65Conley, M.R. (1982) Carrion Locating Efficiency in Burying Beetles, Nicrophorus carolinus (L.)(Silphidae). Southwestern Naturalist, 27(1), 11-15. (biology, ecology) [Studied: 1. timerequired to locate carrion, 2. amount of carrion located, 3. numbers of beetles locating carcasses.][!S]Contarini, N. (1843) Cataloghi degli uccelli e degli insetti delle provincie di Padova e Venezia compilatidal nobile signor conte Nicolò Contarini del fu Bertucci. Tip. Baseggio, Bassano (catalog)Coope, G.R., & Angus, R.B. (1975) An ecological study of a temperate interlude in the middle ofthe last glaciation, based on fossil Coleoptera from Isleworth, Middlesex. Journal of AnimalEcology, 44(2), 365-391. (fossils) [N. vespillo is listed among over 200 species of beetle froman assemblage 43,000 years old.] [!S]Cooreman, J. (1943) Note sur la faune des Hautes-Fagnes en Belgique. XI. Acariens Parasitiformes.Bulletin du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique, 19, 63-91. (biology, symbionts:mites in French) [Found Neoseius adult mites free-living in peat and deutonymphs on 4species of Nicrophorus.]Cordes, R., Kaschuba, A. & Müller, J.K. (1988) Strategien tageszeitlicher Aktivitat von Necrophorusvespilloides (Sil., Col.) und Pterostichus oblongopunctatus (Car., Col.) im Vergleich Verhandlungender Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, 81, 339-340. (biology, behavior inGerman)Corset, J. (1931) Les coaptations chez les insectes. Bulletin Biologique de France et de Belgique,Supplément, 13, 1-337. (morphology: elytral locking in French) [!N, S]Cox, H.E. (1874) A handbook of the Coleoptera, or beetles, of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 1. E.W. Janson, London. viii + 522 pp. (key, descriptions (brief)) [!N]Coyle, D.R. & Larsen, K.J. (1998) Carrion beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae) of northeastern Iowa: Acomparison of baits for sampling. Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science, 105(4), 161-164.(biology, ecology) [Chicken was the most attractive of the baits tested.] [!N]Creamer, K.D. (1992a) Natural history, husbandry & display of carrion beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae).American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums, Regional Conference Proceedings,1992, 288-293. (Conference report: biology, conservation)Creamer, K.D. (1992b) Observation and culturing techniques of the burying beetle, Nicrophorusorbicollis. Y. E. S. Quarterly, 9(1), 5-8. (biology)Creamer, K.D. (1993) Husbandry and display techniques of the American burying beetle Nicrophorusamericanus (Coleoptera: Silphidae). American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums,Regional Conference Proceedings, 1993, 136-141. (Conference report: biology,conservation)Creighton, J.C., Lomolino, M.V. & Schnell, G.D. (1993) Survey methods for the American buryingbeetle (Nicrophorus americanus) in Oklahoma and Arkansas. Oklahoma Biological Survey,Norman, OK. (unpublished report: biology, conservation)Creighton, J.C., & Schnell, G.D. (1998) Short-term movement patterns of the endangered Americanburying beetle Nicrophorus americanus. Biological Conservation, 86(3), 281-287. (biology,conservation) [71% ofABB recaptures were in a different habitat from the first. ] [!S]Creighton, J.C., Vaughn, C.C. & Chapman, B.R. (1993) Habitat preference of the endangeredAmerican Burying Beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) in Oklahoma. The Southwestern Naturalist,38(3), 275-277. (biology, conservation) [More ABB were caught in oak-hickory forests thangrasslands.] [!N, S]Crotch, G.R. (1873) Check List of the Coleoptera of America, North of Mexico. Naturalists' Agency,Salem, Mass. 136 pp. (checklist) [!N]Crowson, R.A. (1938) The metendosternite in Coleoptera: a comparative study. Transactions of theRoyal Entomological Society of London, 87, 397-415. (morphology: metendosternite) [!N, S]240 © 2002 Magnolia PressSIKES ET AL.

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