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65<strong>ZOOTAXA</strong> (revision: key, descriptions & catalog in Russian) [Original description of N. mongolicus; N.japonicus morpha degener (=N. japonicus); N. vicinus (=N. tenuipes).] [!N, S]Shchegoleva-Barovskaya, T.I. (1933b) Une nouvelle espèce du genre Necrophorus (Coleoptera)provenant du Thibet. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1, 251-252.(descriptions in Russian) [Original description of N. temporalis (=N. semenowi)] [!N, S]Sherborn, C.D. (1922-33) Index Animalium, sive index nominum quae ab A.D. MDCCLVIII generibuset speciebus animalium imposita sunt. Sectio secunda, a kalendis Ianuariis, MDCCCIusque ad finem Decembris, MDCCCL. British Museum, London. cxxxix + 7056, cxlviii +1098 pp. (catalog - index) [!N]Shibata, Y. (1969) Some reports on the burying beetles from Japan, I (Col., Silphidae). EntomologicalReview of Japan, 21, 47-54. (catalog) [!N, S]Shubeck, P.P. (1968a) Trapping Fabreís “sexton” beetles. American Biology Teacher, 30, 564-565.(methods) [!S]Shubeck, P.P. (1968b) Orientation of carrion beetles to carrion: random or non-random? Journal ofthe New York Entomological Society, 76, 253-265. (biology, behavior) [!N, S]Shubeck, P.P. (1969) Ecological studies of carrion beetles in Hutcheson Memorial Forest. Journalof the New York Entomological Society, 77, 138-151. (biology, ecology) [!N]Shubeck, P.P. (1970) Silphidae attraction to carrion-baited air cans versus carrion-baited groundcans. Coleopterists' Bulletin, 24, 66-70. (biology, ecology) [!N]Shubeck, P.P. (1971) Diel periodicities of certain carrion beetles. Coleopterists Bulletin, 25, 41-46.(biology, behavior) [!N, S]Shubeck, P.P. (1975) Do diurnal carrion beetles use sight, as an aid to olfaction, in locating carrion?Bulletin of the William L. Hutcheson Memorial Forest, 3, 36-38. (biology, behavior) [Resultsindicate N. tomentosus relies more on olfaction than sight in finding carrion (but experimentaldesign of dubious quality).] [!N, S]Shubeck, P.P. (1976) Carrion beetle responses to poikilotherm and homoiotherm carrion(Coleoptera: Silphidae). Entomological News, 87, 265-269. (biology, ecology) [Only N. orbicollisshowed a preference for poikilothermic carrion” -3 silphines studied also..] [!N, S]Shubeck, P.P. (1984) [“1983”] Habitat preferences of carrion beetles in the Great Swamp NationalWildlife Refuge, New Jersey (Coleoptera: Silphidae, Dermestidae, Nitidulidae, Histeridae,Scarabaeidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 91(4), 333-341. (biology, ecology)Shubeck, P.P. (1985) Orientation of carrion beetles to carrion buried under shallow layers of sand(Coleoptera: Silphidae). Entomological News, 96, 163-166. (biology, ecology) [!N, S]Shubeck, P.P. (1993) An ecotonal study of carrion beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae) in the GreatSwamp National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey. Entomological News, 104, 88-92. (biology,ecology) [Edge effect was only shown for N. orbicollis.] [!S]Shubeck, P.P. (1997) Observation of the burying beetle, Nicrophorus tomentosus (Coleoptera: Silphidae),burying a mole. Entomological News, 108(4), 289. (biology, ecology) [Notes pheromonerelease & burial activity by N. tomentosus in late Sept.] [!S]Shubeck, P.P. & Blank, D.L. (1982) Silphids Attracted to Mammal Carrion at Cheltenham, Maryland(Coleoptera: Silphidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 84(2),409-410. (biology, ecology)Shubeck, P.P., Downie, N.M., Wenzel, R.L. & Peck, S.B. (1977) Species composition of carrionbeetles in a mixed-oak forest. Bulletin of the William L. Hutcheson Memorial Forest, 4, 12-17.(biology, ecology) [!N]Shubeck, P.P., Downie, N.M., Wenzel, R.L. & Peck, S.B. (1981) Species composition and seasonalabundance of carrion beetles in an oak-beech forest in the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge(N.J.). Entomological News, 92, 7-16. (biology, ecology) [!N, S]290 © 2002 Magnolia PressSIKES ET AL.

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