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Comments: Lectotype data for Nicrophorus antennatus (Reitter, 1884: 88) "Holotypus1884 Necrophorus antennatus Reitter" [red-bordered]/ "coll. Reitter"; [this is not the holotypeas Reitter did not designate holo/paratypes- this is a syntype that we designated as thelectotype]/ Tiflis, Kaukas., red rectangular label with double black border “LECTOTYPENicrophorus antennatus (Reitter 1884) det. Sikes 1997”- male (Budapest [HNHM]);pronotal width: 6.10 mm.Paralectotype data “Paratypus 1884 Necrophorus antennatus Reitter [red-bordered] /"coll. Reitter"; [this is not the paratype as Reitter did not designate holo/paratypes- this isa syntype that we designated as the paralectotype.]/[AUSTRIA]: Umgebung Wiens, (coll.Reitter) red rectangular label with double black border “PARALECTOTYPE Nicrophorusantennatus (Reitter 1884) det. Sikes 1997”- male (Budapest [HNHM]).<strong>ZOOTAXA</strong>65Nicrophorus apo Arnett, 1950Type locality: “Mt. Apo, Mindanao” [Philippines; label]Type depository: NMNH: Washington, D. C. [!] holotype female, allotype male, 50paratypes [BMNH, FMNH, USNM]Distribution: Oriental: Philippines: Mindanao1950 Arnett: 67 (description) >> Orig. comb.: Nicrophorus apo; female genitalia figured[!N, S]1969 Hinton: 186 (morphology: diffraction gratings) >> notes iridescent morphology1986 Nishikawa: 98 (catalog in Japanese (English summary))1990 Hanski & Niemelä: 149 (biology: ecology)1991 Hanski & Krikken: 195 (biology: ecology)2001 Peck: 94 (keys, descriptions and distributions)Nicrophorus argutor Jakovlev, 1890Type locality: “in Mongolia septentrionali propr Naryn-gol” [near Naryn river, flowingwest into east Ubsa Nor (lake), nw Mongolia (Urgam); descrip.]Type depository: ZMAS: St. Petersburg? [not found]Distribution: Palearctic: Russia: Siberia; Mongolia; China: Gansu*, Tibet, Beijing;Kazahkstan1890 Jakovlev: 127 (descriptions in Russian) >> Orig. comb.: Necrophorus argutor[!N, S]1893 Heyden: 51 (checklist in German)1895b Reitter: 328 (description of variation in German)1896 Heyden: 38 (checklist in German)1910 Jakobson: 612 (checklist in Russian)1916 Pasquet (description of variation in French)1924 Portevin: 292 (key, descriptions in French)1925 Winkler: 264 (catalog)1926a Portevin: 232 (revision: key, descriptions & catalog in French)1928 Hatch: 136 (catalog)1930 Kieseritzky: 62 (descriptions in Russian (German summary))1932 Hlisnikovsky: 29 (key, descriptions in German)CATALOG OF NICROPHORINAE© 2002 Magnolia Press 29

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