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<strong>ZOOTAXA</strong>65Miller, S.E. & Miller, P.M. (1985) Beetles of Santa Barbara Island, California (Coleoptera). In:Menke, A.S. & Miller, D.R. (eds.), Entomology of the California Channel Islands. Santa BarbaraMuseum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, California. pp. 3-27 &121-136. (biology,symbionts: mites, checklist) [New combination of Laelaps pilosula Banks 1904 into Poecilochirus.Mentions mitetypes prob. from N. nigrita.] [!S]Miller, S.E. & Peck, S.B. (1979) Fossil carrion beetles of Pleistocene California asphalt deposits,with a synopsis of Holocene California Silphidae (Insecta: Coleoptera: Silphidae). Transactionsof the San Diego Society of Natural History, 19(8), 85-106. (fossils) [!N, S]Milne, L.J. (1928) Notes on Silphidae in Haliburton Co., Ont. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 42, 43.(biology, behavior) [Earlier observations on burying behavior.]Milne, L.J. & Milne, M.J. (1944) Notes on the behavior of burying beetles (Nicrophorus spp.).Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 52, 311-327. (biology, behavior) [Detaileddescription of reproduction behaviors, mites, and interactions among species.] [!N, S]Milne, L.J. & Milne, M.J. (1976) The social behavior of burying beetles. Scientific American, 235,84-89. (popular review) [!N, S]Milne, L.J. & Milne, M.J. (1980) The Audubon Society field guide to North American insects andspiders. Alfred A. Knopf, New York. 989 pp. (field guide, brief descriptions, ecology) [!N]Milne, L.J. & Milne, M.J. (1982) Nature's clean-up crew. The burying beetles. Dodd, Mead &Company, New York. pp. 1-62. (biology)Miwa, Y. (1931) A systematic catalogue of Formosan Coleoptera. Published by the InstituteTaihoku, Formosa 55, 45-47. (catalog) [!S]Mochizuki, M. (1936) A list of Coleoptera on Mt. Kongo in Chosen. Kontyû, 10, 207-213. (checklist)Mochizuki, M. & Tsunekawa, W. (1937) A list of Coleoptera Middle -Korea. J. Chos. Nat. Hist.Soc., 22, 78-79. (checklist)Moore, B.P. (1955) Notes on carrion Coleoptera in the Oxford district. Entomologist's MonthlyMagazine, 91, 292-295. (biology, ecology) [!M, N]Moore, I. (1937) A list of the beetles of San Diego County, California. Occasional Papers, SanDiego Society of Natural History, No. 2, 1-109 (checklist) [!N]Moore, R.T. (1990) Summary report, American burying beetle survey. Report prepared for BrohmMining Corp., Deadwood, SD by ENSR Consulting, and Engineering, Fort Collins, CO.(unpublished report: biology, conservation)Mori, T. & Cho, P.S. (1938) A list of the Silphidae from Manchuria. Zool. Mag. Japan, 50, 329-334. (checklist)Morimoto, K. (ed.). (1992) Field Selection: Beetles of Japan. Hokuryukan, Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan.208 pp. (descriptions in Japanese) [!N]Morita, C. (1936) A list on Coleoptera from Gunzan, Chosen. Entomological World, 4(34), 852-862. (checklist in Japanese)Morley, C. (1902) Field notes on stridulation. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 38, 249-250.(biology, behavior) [Note that stridulation is affected by the elytra] [!S]Mosebach, E. (1936) Aus dem leben des totengräbers (Necrophorus). Natur und Volk, 66, 222-231.(morphology, larval stages in German) [!N]Motschulsky, V. (1845a) Remarques sur la collection de Coléoptères russes de Victor deMotschoulsky. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 18(1&2), 3-127.(descriptions in French) [Original description of N. guttula.] [!N, S]Motschulsky, V. (1845b) Observations sur le Musée Entomologique de l'Université Impériale deMoscou. Article 1. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 18(3-4), 332-388. (descriptions in French) [Original description of N. auriplosus (nomen nudum, =N. guttula);N. lateralis (nomen nudum, =N. nigrita)] [!N, S]268 © 2002 Magnolia PressSIKES ET AL.

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