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<strong>ZOOTAXA</strong>65Faldermann, F. (1835a) Additamenta entomologica ad faunam Rossicam in itineribus Jussu ImperatorisAugustissimi annis 1827-1831 a cl. Ménétriés et Szovitz susceptis collecta, in lucemedita. Nouveaux Mémoires de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 4, 1-314.(descriptions) [Original description of N. nigricornis.] [!M, S]Faldermann, F. (1835b) Coleopterorum ab illustrissimo Bungio in China boreali, Mongolia, et montibusAltaicis collectorum, nec non ab ill. Turczaninoffio et Stchukino e provincia Irkutzk missorumillustrationes. Mémoires présentées à l'Académie Impériale de Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg, 2, 337-464. (descriptions) [Original description of N. basalis.] [!M, S]Fall, H.C. (1897) A list of the Coleoptera of the southern California Islands, with notes and descriptionsof new species. Canadian Entomologist, 29, 233-244. (checklist)Fall, H.C. (1901) List of the Coleoptera of southern California, with notes on habits and distributionand descriptions of newspecies. Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences, 8,1-282. (checklist) [!N]Fall, H.C. (1926) A list of the Coleoptera taken in Alaska and adjacent parts of the Yukon Territoryin the summer of 1924. Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 2, 127-154. (description) [!N]Fall, H.C. & Cockerell, T.D.A. (1907) The Coleoptera of New Mexico. Transactions of the AmericanEntomological Society, 33, 145-272 (checklist) [!N]Fauconnet, L. (1893) Necrophorus vespillo var. fauveli. Revue d'Entomologie, 12, 255. (descriptionof variation) [Original description of N. vespillo var. fauveli (=N. vespillo).] [!S]Fauvel, A. (1890) Bibliographie. Tableaux analytiques des coléoptères d'Europe. Nécrophages. Traduitsdes Bestimmungs-Tabellen de M. Edm. Reitter (Revue scientifique du Bourbonnais, supplément,Moulin, 1890). Revue d'Entomologie, 9, 345-348. (descriptions in French) [Originaldescription of N. funerator (=N. investigator).] [!S]Fetherston, I.A., Scott, M.P., & Traniello, J.F.A. (1990) Parental care in burying beetles: The organizationof male and female brood-care behavior. Ethology (Berlin, Hamburg) 85(3), 177-190.(biology, behavior)Fetherston, I.A., Scott, M.P., & Traniello, J.F.A. (1994) Behavioural compensation for mate loss inthe burying beetle Nicrophorus orbicollis. Animal Behaviour, 47(4), 777-785. (biology, behavior)[This study may represent the first demonstration of compensation for mate loss in aninvertebrate.] [!S]Fierros-Lopez, H.E., & Navarrete-Heredia, J.L. (2001) Altitudinal distribution and phenology ofthree species of carrion beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae) from Nevado de Colima, Jalisco, Mexico.Pan Pacific Entomologist, 77(1), 45-46. (biology, ecology)Fischer von Waldheim, G. (1842) Catalogus coleopterorum in Sibiria Orientali a Cel. Gregorio SilideKarelin collectorum. Moscow. 28 pp. (descriptions) [Original description of N. lunatus.][!N, S]Fischer von Waldheim, G. (1844) Spicilegium entomographiae Rossicae. Bulletin de la SociétéImpériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 17(1 & 2), 3-144. (checklist) [Original description of N.frontalis (=N. germanicus); N. sulcatus (=N. humator); N. particeps (=N. investigator).] [!M,N, S]Fisher, R.M. & Tuckerman, R.D. (1986) Mimicry of bumble bees and cuckoo bumble bees by carrionbeetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 59, 20-25.(morphology: mimicry) [!N, S]Fjellberg, A. (1969) Notes on Coleoptera in nests of heron (Ardea cinerea L.). Norsk EntomologiskTidsskrift, 16, 13-15. (biology, ecology)Flach, C. (1890) Ueber zwei fossile Silphiden (Coleoptera) aus den Phosphoriten von Caylux.Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1890, 105-109. (descriptions in German) [Originaldescription of P. aveyronensis (fossil); Palaeosilpha fraasii (fossil).] [!N, S]246 © 2002 Magnolia PressSIKES ET AL.

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