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Preyssler, J.D.E. (1790) Verzeichniss Böhmischer Insekten : Erstes Hundert. Prag,108 p (in German)Procter, W. (1946) Biological Survey of the Mt. Desert Region, incorporated. Part VII; being a revisionof Parts I and VI with the addition of 1100 species. The insect fauna with references tomethods of capture, food plants, the flora and other biological features. Wistar Institute ofAnatomy and Biology, Philadelphia. 566 pp. (checklist, ecology) [!N]Prokopic, J. & Karapcanski, I. (1973) [“1977”] The larval stages of several cestodes from beetles(Coleoptera) in Bulgaria. Helminthologia (Bratislava), 14(1-4), 171-181. (biology, symbionts:cestodes in English (German, Russian summary))Provancher, L. (1877) Petite faune entomologique du Canada precedée d'un traité élémentaired'entomologie. Volume I - Les coléoptères. C. Darveau, Québec. viii + 786 pp. (in French)Pukowski, E. (1933) Ökologische Untersuchungen an Necrophorus F. Zeitschrift für Ökologie andMorphologie der Tiere, 27, 518-586. (biology, ecology in German) [Seminal paper on behaviorof Nicrophorus.] [!N, S]Pukowski, E. (1934a) Ökologische Beobachtungen an Necrophorus. Entomologische Rundschau,51, 3-6. (biology, ecology in German) [!N]Pukowski, E. (1934b) Zur Systematik der Necrophorus-Larven (Col.). Stettiner EntomologischeZeitung, 95, 53-60. (morphology, larval stages in German) [!N, S]Pukowski, E. (1934c) Die Brutpflege des Totengräbers. Entomologische Blätter, 30, 109-112, 1 pl.(biology, behavior in German) [!N]Purrington, F.F., & Davidson, R.L. (2000) New southerly distribution records for the boreal carrionbeetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides (Coleoptera: Silphidae). Entomological News, 111(5), 355-358. (distribution note)Pushkin, S.V. (1996) Beetles- merthvoedi (Silphidae) of neighbourhoods of Stavropol. Environmentand man: the theses of the reports scientific - methodical student's conference.- Stavropol: SSUpp. 33-34. (Conference report: biology, ecology in Russian) [!S]Pushkin S.V. (1997) Necrophages as indicators of ecological health ecosystem. An Environmentand man: materials scientific - methodical studentís conference. Stavropol: SSU, series 6 pp.23-25. (Conference report: biology, ecology in Russian) [!S]Pushkin S.V., & Charthenko, L.N. (1997) An alimentary specialization of beetles - necrophages.Fauna Stavropolia.- Stavropol: SSU. series. 7 pp. 60-64. (biology, ecology in Russian) [!S]Pushkin S.V. & Sigida, S.L. (1998) Features biotopical allocation of the beetles (Coleoptera, Silphidae)in conditions Stavropolia. Fauna Stavropolia: the receiving tank of the proceedings.series 8. -Stavropol: SSU pp. 83-86. (Conference report: biology, ecology in Russian) [!S]Putman, R.J. (1978) The role of carrion-frequenting arthropods in the decay process. EcologicalEntomology, 3, 133-139. (biology, ecology) [!S]Putman, R.J. (1983) Carrion and Dung: The Decomposition of Animal Wastes. Edward Arnold,London. (biology, ecology) [Excellent treatment of carrion and dung from an ecosystem/processesperspective.] [!S]Quisenberry, S.C. & Purcell, B. (1993) New record for the American Burying Beetle (Necrophorusamericanus) in Bryan County, OK. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Sciences, 73, 77.(biology, conservation)Raithel, C. (1991) American Burying Beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) recovery plan. U.S. Fish &Wildlife Service.; Newton Corner, Massachusetts. 80 pp. (USFW Recovery Plan: biology, conservation)[Review of historical records, temporal pattern of extirpation, trap methods, et al.][!N, S]Rana, R.L., Hoback, W.W., Rahim, N.A.A., Bedick, J., & Stanley, D.W. (1997) Pre-oral digestion:A phospholipase A sub(2) associated with oral secretions in adult burying beetles, Nicrophorusmarginatus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 118 B(2), 375-380. (biology, physiology)[First description of Nicrophorus oral secretions.] [!S]<strong>ZOOTAXA</strong>65CATALOG OF NICROPHORINAE© 2002 Magnolia Press 279

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