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Lucht, W.H. (1987) Die Käfer Mitteleuropas: Katalog. Goecke & Evers, Krefeld. 342 pp. (catalogin German) [! N]Lumpkin, B.C. (1971) Elevational studies of Silphidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). Masterís Thesis, Universityof Tennesee at Knoxville., 50 pp. (M.S. Thesis: biology, ecology)Lutz, F.E. (1921) In: Fieldbook of insects. G. P. Putnams Sons. pp 295-256 (biology, ecology,behavior) [“Cites N. americanus as preferring reptiles, but indicates no burying beetles cameto any bait set out under experimental conditions.”-Milne & Milne 1944.]M. de T. (1877) [no title, note under general title ëObservations entomologiquesí]. Petites NouvellesEntomologiques, 2, 179. (biology in French) [“Biology” -Hatch 1928.]Madge, R.B. (1958) A taxonomic study of the genus Necrophorus in America north of Mexico(Coleoptera, Silphidae). M.S. Thesis, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. iii + 77 pp., 7 pls.(M.S. Thesis: revision: key, descriptions, ecology, distributions) [!N]Madge, R.B. (1980) A catalogue of type-species in the family Silphidae (Coleoptera). EntomologicaScandinavica, 11, 353-362. (catalog) [!N, S]Madge, R.B. (1994) Who was Herschel? The Canadian Entomologist, 126, 543-548. (comment)[Mention of unverified possible manuscript name: N. britannicus Herschel.] [!S]Maes, J.-M., & Navarrete-Heredia, J.L. (2002) Silphidae (Coleoptera) de Nicaragua Dugesiana,9(1), 1-4 (distribution note in Spanish) [!S]Mannerheim, C.G. (1843) Beitrag zur Käferfauna der Aleutischen Inseln, der Insel Sitka und Neu-Californiens. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 16(2), 175-314.(descriptions in German) [Original description of N. nigrita.] [!S]Mannerheim, C.G. (1846) Nachtrag zur Kaefer-Fauna der Aleutischen Inseln und der Insel Sitkha.Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 19(2), 501-516. (descriptions inGerman) [Original description of N. defodiens.] [!N, S]Mannerheim, C.G. (1852) Zweiter Nachtrag zur Kaefer-Fauna der Nord-Amerikanischen Laenderdes Russischen Reiches. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 25(1&2),283-387. (checklist, descriptions in German) [!N]Mannerheim, C.G. (1853) Dritter Nachtrag zur Kaefer-Fauna der Nord-Amerikanischer Laenderdes Russischen Reiches. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 26(3&4),95-273. (descriptions in German) [Original description of N. pollinctor (=N. investigator); N.infodiens (=N. investigator); N. tardus (=N. investigator).] [!N, S]Mareuse, L.S.V. (1840) Essai sur les Nécrophages de France et principalement du Nord. Bulletin dela Société Linnéenne du Nord de la France, 1, 21-80. (description of variation in French)[Original description of N. sepultor cadaverinus (=N. vestigator).]Marié, P. (1927) Recherche des insects microcevernicoles propres aux terriers de Marmottes. Bulletinde la Société Entomologique de France, 1927(2), 64-73. (biology, ecology in French)Marrone, G.M. (1993) A survey to determine the presence of the endangered American buryingbeetle (Nicrophorus americanus) on the Fort Pierre National Grassland in central SouthDakota. Final report to the USDA Forest Service, Pierre, SD. (unpublished report: biology,conservation)Marrone, G.M. (1994a) A survey to determine the presence of the endangered American buryingbeetle (Nicrophorus americanus) on the Rosebud casino site in Todd County, South Dakota.Final report to BBC Entertainment, Mission, SD. (unpublished report: biology, conservation)Marrone, G.M. (1994b) A survey to determine the presence of the endangered American burying,beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) on a proposed feedlot site in Brookings County, SouthDakota. Final report to Minnesota Corn Processors, Marshall, MN. (unpublished report: biology,conservation)Marseul, S.-A. (1863) Catalogue des Coléoptères d'Europe et du Bassin de la Méditerranée enAfrique & en Asie. Deuxième édition. A. Deyrolle, Paris. 300 pp. (catalog in French) [!N]<strong>ZOOTAXA</strong>65CATALOG OF NICROPHORINAE© 2002 Magnolia Press 265

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