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<strong>ZOOTAXA</strong>65Opler, P.A. [ed.] (1985) Species of special concern in Pennsylvania. Chapter 2 - invertebrates CarnegieMuseum Of Natural History Special Publication, No. 11 pp. 81-165. (biology, conservation)Orchymont, A., dí (1920) La nervation alaire des Coléoptères. Annales de la Société Entomologiquede France, 89 (morphology, wing venation in French)Osborne, P.J. (1956) Insects other than Lepidoptera at a mercury-vapor light trap. Entomol. Mon.Mag., 92, 19. (biology, ecology)Osborne, P.J. (1969) An insect fauna of late Bronze Age date from Wilsford, Wiltshire. Journal ofAnimal ecology, 38(3), 555-566. (fossils) [N. vespillo listed among assemblage of fossilsinsects dated to 3,330 +/- 90 B. P.] [!S]Osinskii, S.O. (1938) The role of insects that attack carcasses in the preservation and spread of thebacilli of anthrax in nature. Actes Sci. Inst. Vet. Kiev, 1, 50-58. (biology, symbionts: bacteria inUkrainian) [Anthrax bacilli could be disseminated by silphids]Osten-Sacken, B. (1862) Entomologische Notizen X. Necrophorus americanus Oliv. Stettiner EntomologischeZeitung, 23, 408. (biology, behavior in German) [Early observations on buryingbehavior.] [!S]Otronen, M. (1988) The effect of body size on the outcome of fights in burying beetles (Nicrophorus).Annales Zoologici Fennici, 25(2), 191-201. (biology, behavior) [Larger beetles usuallywin.] [!S]Otronen, M. (1990) The effect of prior experience on the outcome of fights in the burying beetle,Nicrophorus humator. Animal Behaviour, 40(5), 980-982. (biology, behavior) [Results suggestprior experience is used by N. humator to decide whether to escalate or retreat from a conflict.][!S]Paik, W.H. (1985) The burying beetles of Korea. Corentomon, Suwon, 1, 2-12.Palestrini, C., Barbero, E., Luzzatto, M., & Zucchelli, M. (1996) Nicrophorus mexicanus(Coleoptera: Silphidae: Nicrophorinae): larval morphology and phylogenetic considerations onthe N. investigator group. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae, 60, 435-445. (larval descriptions,phylogenetics) [Only nearctic investigator group spp. + N. interruptus; phylogeneticspoorly done; key to distinguish larval instars regardless of species.] [!S]Palestrini, C., Rolando, A., & Zunino, M. (1988) Sound production in the carrion beetle Nicrophorusvespillo (L.) (Coleoptera Silphidae). Abstract of paper presented at twelfth meeting of theItalian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour (Catania, September 28-October 1, 1987).Monitore Zoologico Italiano, (N.S.) 22, 543-544. (Abstract: biology, behavior) [!N]Panov, A.A. (1986) The cerebral neurosecretory cells and retrocerebral endocrine complex in severalrepresentatives of Staphyliniformic beetles (Coleoptera, Staphyliniformia). Journal fürHirnforschung, 27, 409-421. (morphology: cerebral neurosecretory cells) [!N]Panzer, G.W.F. (1793) Faunae insectorum Germanicae initia; oder Deutschlands insecten gesammeltund herausgegeben von D.G.W.F. Panzer. Nürnberg, 1792-1844. 2 (Serial: catalog in German)Panzer, G.W.F. (1794) Faunae Insectorum Germanicae initia oder Deutschlands Insecten. Nürnberg,24 (20) (catalog in German)Panzer, G.W.F. (1795) Deutschlands Insectenfaune, oder entomologisches Taschenbuch fr das Jahr1795 . Nürnberg, in der Felseckerschen Buchhandlung, [32], 370, [2] p. 1 (Serial: catalog inGerman)Panzer, G.W.F. (1797) Faunae insectorum Germanicae initia; oder Deutschlands insecten gesammeltund herausgegeben von D.G.W.F. Panzer. Nürnberg, 62 (Serial: catalog in German)Papp, C.S. (1984) Introduction to North American beetles, with more than 1,000 illustrations. EntomographyPublications, Sacramento, California. 335 pp. (descriptions) [!N]274 © 2002 Magnolia PressSIKES ET AL.

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