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Roubal, J. (1930) [“1930-1936”] Katalog coleopter (Brouku) slevenska a podkarpatske Rusi nazaklade bionomickém a zoogeografickém a spolu systematicky doplnek Gangelbauerovych"Die Kafer von Mitteleuropa" a Reitterovy "Fauna germanica". Catalogue des coléoptères dela slovaquie et de la Russie subcarpathique d'après les documents bionomiques etzoogéographiques ainsi que supplement systématique au Ganglbauer, Die Käfer von Mitteleuropaet Reitter, Fauna germanica. Praha, Nákladem Ucené spolecnosti safaríkovy v Bratislavevytiskla státní tiskarna v Praze (catalog in Czech) [!S]Roubal, J. (1934) Beschreibung zweier neuer Coleopteren nebst Bemerkungen. Folia Zoologica etHydrobiologica, 5, 323-325. (description of variation in German) [short paragraph on a variantof N. vespilloides.] [!S]Roubal, J. (1939) Necrophorus vespillo L. v. bohemicus n. Acta Societatis Entomologicae Bohemiae,36, 85-86. (description of variation in Czech (French summary)) [Original description ofN. vespillo var. bohemicus (=N. vespillo).] [!S]Roubal, J. (1942) O nekolika nasich hrobarících. De nonnullis nostris Necrophoris. Acta SocietatisEntomologicae Bohemiae, 39, 17. (description of variation in Czech) [one page description ofnew forms (aberrations) of European Nicrophorus.] [!S]Roussel, J.-P. (1963) Conditions de reprise de líactivité et de la reproduction chez Necrophorusvespillo L. en état díhibernation. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France, 88, 671-673.(biology, ecology, behavior in French)Roussel, J.-P. (1964a) Le développement larvaire de Necrophorus vespillo L. Bulletin de la SociétéZoologique de France, 89, 102-110. (morphology, larval stages in French) [!N]Roussel, J.-P. (1964b) Le développement larvaire de Necrophorus fossor Er. Bulletin de la SociétéZoologique de France, 89, 111-117. (morphology, larval stages in French) [!N]Roussel, J.-P. (1965a) Recherches sur la diapause de Necrophorus fossor Er. Bulletin de la SociétéZoologique de France, 90, 67-88. (morphology, larval stages in French (English summary))Roussel, J.-P. (1965b) Recherches experimentales sur la diapause de Necrophorus fossor Er.Comptes Rendus de líAcademie des Sciences, (D) 6452-6454. (morphology, larval stages inFrench)Rozner, I. (1981) Data to the Silphidae (Coleoptera) fauna of the Hortobágy National Park. NaturalHistory of the National Parks of Hungary, 1, 103-104. (checklist in Hungarian) [!N]Runtz, M.W.P. & Peck, S.B. (1994) The beetle fauna of a mature spruce-sphagnum bog, AlgonquinPark, Ontario; ecological implications of the species composition. Memoirs of the EntomologicalSociety of Canada, 169, 161-171. (biology, ecology) [!N]RÉÓigka, J. (1992) The immature stages of central European species of Nicrophorus (Coleoptera,Silphidae). Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca, 89(2), 113-135. (key, descriptions, morphology,larval stages, phylogenetics) [Excellent illustrations and descriptions of European larvalstages; follows phylogenetics of Anderson 1982a, but polarity of one character is changed.][!S]RÉÓigka, J. (1993) Agyrtidae, Silphidae, pp. 33-34. In: J. Jelínek (ed.), Check-list of Czechoslovakinsects, IV (Coleoptera). Folia Heyrovskyana Supplementum, 1, 1-172. (checklist, distributionin English & Czech) [!N]RÉÓigka, J. (1994) Seasonal activity and habitat associations of Silphidae and Leiodidae: Cholevinae(Coleoptera) in central Bohemia. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemoslovicae, 58, 67-78.(biology, ecology) [All Nicrophorus spp. but N. vespillo were common in forests. N. vespillowas more common in fields.] [!N, S]RÉÓigka, J. (1996) Results of the Czechoslovak-Iranian entomological expeditions to Iran.Coleoptera: Silphidae. Klapalekiana, 32(1-2), 73-75. (checklist) [First reliable records for N.vespilloides & N. investigator from Iran are provided.] [!S]<strong>ZOOTAXA</strong>65CATALOG OF NICROPHORINAE© 2002 Magnolia Press 283

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