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Takaku, G., Katakura, H., & Yoshida, N. (1994) Mesostigmatic mites (Acari) associated withground, burying, roving carrion and dung beetles (Coleoptera) in Sapporo and Tomakomai,Hokkaido, Northern Japan. Zoological Science, 11, 305-311. (biology, symbionts: mites) [!N]Tamutis, V. (1999) Soil surface insect fauna in rape agrocoenoses. Ekologija, 1, 18-24. (comment,distribution in Lithuanian (English summary))Telnov, D., Barsevskis, A., Savich, F., Kovalevsky, F., Berdnikov, S., Doronin, M., Cibulskis, R., &Ratniece, D. (1997) Check-List of Latvian Beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) Mitteilungen desInternationalen Entomologischen Vereins e.V., ISSN 1019-2808 Supplement No. 5; the 5thMay, 1997: pp. 1-140. (checklist) [on line at http://www.lubi.edu.lv/les/Coleoptera.htm Note:Since publication of the “Check-List of Latvian Beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera)” in the Supplement5 of the “Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins”, new families andmore than 200 new species were found in Latvia. The new data were published in the “ActaColeopterologica Latvica - 1997, Vol. 1 (2)”, the “Latvijas entomologs - 1998, Vol. 36, 37 and38” and the "Baltic Journal of Coleopterology" - 2001, Vol. 1 and are presented here in thecomplete list with no special comments.] [!S]Terrón, R.A., Anduaga, S. & Morón, M.A. (1992) [“1991”] Analisis de la coleópterofauna necrófilade la Reserva de la Biosfera La Michilia, Durango, México. Folia Entomológica Mexicana, 81,315-324. (biology, ecology in Spanish (English summary)) [N. mexicanus only carrion feederactive through whole year.] [!S]Théodoridès, J. (1949) Les coleopteres nuisibles aux animaux domestiques. Annales de ParasitologieHumaine et Comparée, 24, 116-123. (biology, ecology in French)Théodorides, J. (1950a) Sur la répartition géographique de Necrophorus humator F. Vie et Milieu, 1,97. (checklist in French) [!S]Théodoridès, J. (1950b) Notes diverses sur les Necrophorus (Coleoptera Silphidae). Bulletin del'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, 26(52), 1-20. (biology, ecology, morphologyin French) [!N]Théodoridès, J. (1955) Contribution a líétude des parasites et phoretiques de coléoptères terrestres.Vie et Milieu, Suppl. No. 4, 310 pp. (biology, symbionts: mites in French) [Recorded Neoseiusnovus from N. vespillo and N. vespilloides in France. But no Nicrophorus found in Mediterraneanregion.]Théodoridès, J. (1960) Parasites et phoretiques de coléoptères et de myriapodes de Richelieu(Indre-et-Loire). Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparée, 35, 488-503. (biology, symbionts:mites in French)Thiel, H. (1936) Vergleichende Untersuchungen an den Vormägen von Käfern. Zeitschrift für WissenschaftlicheZoologie, 147, 395-432. (morphology: proventriculus in German) [!N]Thomson, C.G. (1862) Skandinaviens Coleoptera, synoptiskt bearbetade. Vol. 4. Lundbergska Boktryckeriet,Lund. 269 pp. (descriptions) [Original description of microcephalus (=N. investigator).][!N, S]Thomson, C.G. (1885) Skandinaviens Insecter, en Handbok i Entomologi, till allmänna läroverkenstjenst utarbetad. Första Häftet: Coleoptera. Malmström & Komp's Boktryckeri, Lund. xx +186 pp., 5 pls. (key, checklist in Swedish) [!N]Thunberg, C.P. (1789) Periculum entomologicum, quo characteres generum Insectorum. J. Edman,Upsaliae. 16 pp. (nomenclature) [unjustified emendation of Nicrophorus (Necrophorus)] [!S]Tischler, W.-H. (1976) Untersuchungen über die tierische Besiedlung von Aas in verschiedenenStrata von Waldökosystemen. Pedobiologia, 16, 99-105. (biology, ecology in German) [!N]Trumbo, S.T. (1990a) Interference competition among burying beetles (Silphidae, Nicrophorus).Ecological Entomology, 15(3), 347-355. (biology, ecology) [!S]<strong>ZOOTAXA</strong>65CATALOG OF NICROPHORINAE© 2002 Magnolia Press 295

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