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<strong>ZOOTAXA</strong>65Stroud, C.P. (1950) A survey of the insects of White Sands National Monument, Tularosa Basin,New Mexico. American Midland Naturalist, 44(3), 659-677. (checklist) [!S]Sturm, J. (1826) Catalog meiner Insecten-Sammlung. Erster Theil, Käfer. Privately published,Nürnberg. viii + 207 pp., 4 pls. (catalog in German)Sturm, J. (1838) Deutschlands Fauna in Abbildungen nach der Natur, mit Beschreibungen. Abth.II, III, V, VI / von Jacob Sturm; (Forgesetzt [Abth. V, Hft. 20-23] von J. H. C. F. Sturm) Nürnberg,1797-1857. 4 Abth. 13 (in German)´ulc, K. (1940) O cisticích ústrojích hrobaríku. Über die Putzvorrichtungen bei den Necrophoren(Coleoptera). Vestnik Ceskoslovenske Zoologicke Spolecnosti v Praze, 8: 149-165. (morphologyin Czech (German summary)) [!M, N]Sulzer, J.H. (1761) Die Kennzeichen der Insekten : nach Anleitung des konigl. Schwed. Ritters undLeibarzts Karl Linnaeus : durch XXIV. Kupfertafeln erlautert und mit derselben naturlichenGeschichte begleitet / von J.H. Sulzer ...; mit einer Vorrede des Herrn Johannes Gessners. Zurich: Bei Heidegger und Comp., 1761. XXVIII, 203, [1], 67, [1] p. (in German)´ustek, Z. (1981) Mrchozroutovití Ceskoslovenska, Coleoptera Silphidae. Zprávy CeskoslovenskéSpolecnosti Entomologické pri CSAV, Klíce k Urcování Hmyzu, 2, 1-46. (key, descriptions,regional in Czech) [!N]Suzuki, S. (1998) Interesting behaviour of Japanese burying beetles (Nicrophorus spp.) Insectarium,35(6), 152-156 (4-8?). (biology, behavior in Japanese)Suzuki, S. (1999) Does carrion-burial by Nicrophorus vespilloides (Silphidae: Coleoptera) preventdiscovery by other burying beetles? Entomological Science, 2(2), 205-208. (biology, ecology,behavior) [Answer: no, but carcass maintenance might help.] [!S]Suzuki, S. (2000a) Carrion burial by Nicrophorus vespilloides (Coleoptera: silphidae) prevents flyinfestation. Entomological Science, 3, 269-272. (biology, ecology, behavior) [Clear demonstrationof the benefits of carcass burial to N. vespilloides.] [!S]Suzuki, S. (2000b) Changing dominant-subordinate relationships during carcass preparationbetween burying beetle species (Nicrophorus: Silphidae: Coleoptera). Journal of Ethology,18(1), 25-28. (biology, behavior) [Demonstration that Nicrophorus species may differ in preferenceof (1) burying vs (2) stealing carcasses already buried.] [!S]Suzuki, S. (2000c) Interference behavior of burying beetles on a carcass. New Entomologist, 49(3-4), 37-40. (biology, ecology, behavior in Japanese with English abstract)Suzuki, S. (2001) Suppression of fungal development on carcasses by the burying beetle Nicrophorusquadripunctatus (Coleoptera: Silphidae). Entomological Science, 4(4), 403-405. (biology,ecology, behavior) [!S]Swan, L.A. & Papp, C.S. (1972) The common insects of North America. Harper & Row, New Yorketc. xiii + 750 pp. (description) [!N]Szalanski, A.L., Sikes, D.S., Bischof, R., & Fritz, M. (2000) Population genetics and phylogeneticsof the endangered American burying beetle, Nicrophorus americanus (Coleoptera: Silphidae).Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 93(3), 589-594. (biology, conservation, phylogenetics,genetics) [N. orbicollis found to be closest relative to N. americanus among 10nicrophorines sampled. No evidence of genetic differentiation found among 5 populations of N.americanus.] [!S]Székessy, V. (1939) Der Hautsaum der Staphyliniden und seine Funktion. Verhandlung Int. Kongr.Ent., Berlin, 2, 938-944. (morphology in German) [!N]Székessy, V. (1961) Zwei neue Aberrationen der Silphiden-Gattung Necrophorus Fabr.(Coleoptera). Folia Entomologica Hungarica, (S.N.) 14, 333-334. (description of variation inGerman) [!N]Takagi, S. (1936) A list of Coleoptera in Oze and Oku-Nikkô (I). Kontyû, 10, 189-206 . (checklist inJapanese) [!N]294 © 2002 Magnolia PressSIKES ET AL.

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