HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

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ACONTROL instructionFLAG(PAGE0)instructs the assembler to issue diagnostic message ASMA309W when an operandis resolved to a baseless address and a base and displacement is expected.FLAG(NOPAGE0)instructs the assembler not to issue diagnostic message ASMA309W when anoperand is resolved to a baseless address and a base and displacement isexpected.FLAG(SUBSTR), abbreviation FLAG(SUB)instructs the assembler to issue warning diagnostic message ASMA094I when thesecond subscript value of the substring notation indexes past the end of thecharacter expression.FLAG(NOSUBSTR), abbreviation FLAG(NOSUB)instructs the assembler not to issue warning diagnostic message ASMA094Iwhen the second subscript value of the substring notation indexes past the endof the character expression.FLAG(USING0), abbreviation FLAG(US0)instructs the assembler to issue diagnostic warning message ASMA306W for aUSING that is coincident with or overlaps the implied USING 0,0, when theUSING(WARN) suboption includes the condition numbers 1 and/or 4.FLAG(NOUSING0), abbreviation FLAG(NOUS0)instructs the assembler to suppress diagnostic warning message ASMA306W►►NOLIBMACLIBMAC►◄LIBMAC, abbreviation LMACspecifies that, for each macro, macro definition statements read from a macrolibrary are to be imbedded in the input source program immediately precedingthe first invocation of that macro.NOLIBMAC, abbreviation NOLMACspecifies that macro definition statements read from a macro library are not tobe included in the input source program.|||►►,NOLISTOPTABLE( DOS )ESA ,LISTXA370YOPZOPZS3ZS4►◄Chapter 5. Assembler instruction statements 103

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