HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

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PRINT instructionThe PRINT instruction can be specified any number of times in a source module,but only those operands actually specified in the instruction change the currentprint status.PRINT options can be generated by macro processing during conditional assembly.However, at assembly time, all options are in force until the assembler encountersa new and opposite option in a PRINT instruction.The PUSH and POP instructions, described in “PUSH instruction” on page 208 and“POP instruction” on page 203, also influence the PRINT options by saving andrestoring the PRINT status.You can override the effect of the operands of the PRINT instruction by using thePCONTROL assembler option. For more information about this option, see thesection “PCONTROL” in the <strong>HLASM</strong> Programmer’s Guide.Unless the NOPRINT operand is specified, or the assembler listing is suppressedby the NOLIST assembler option, the PRINT instruction itself is printed.ProcessstatementThe process statement is described under “*PROCESS statement” on page 98.PUNCHinstructionThe PUNCH instruction creates a record containing a source or other statement, oran object record, to be written to the object file.►►sequence_symbolPUNCH string ►◄sequence_symbolis a sequence symbol.stringis a character string of up to 80 characters, enclosed in single quotation marks.All 256 characters in the EBCDIC character set are allowed in the characterstring. Variable symbols are also allowed.Double-byte data is permissible in the operand field when the DBCS assembleroption is specified. However, the following rules apply to double-byte data:v The DBCS ampersand and the single quotation mark are not recognized asdelimiters.v A double-byte character that contains the value of an EBCDIC ampersand ora single quotation mark in either byte is not recognized as a delimiter whenenclosed by SO and SI.The position of each character specified in the PUNCH statement correspondsto a column in the record to be punched. However, the following rules applyto ampersands and single quotation marks:v A single ampersand initiates an attempt to identify a variable symbol and tosubstitute its current value.v A pair of ampersands is punched as one ampersand.Chapter 5. Assembler instruction statements 207

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