HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

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EXITCTL instructionsequence_symbolis a sequence symbol.exit_typeidentifies the type of exit to which this EXITCTL instruction applies. Exit_typemust have one of the following values:SOURCE Sets the exit-control parameters for the user-supplied exitmodule specified in the INEXIT suboption of the EXITassembler option.LIBRARY Sets the exit-control parameters for the user-supplied exitmodule specified in the LIBEXIT suboption of the EXITassembler option.LISTING Sets the exit-control parameters for the user-supplied exitmodule specified in the PRTEXIT suboption of the EXITassembler option.PUNCH Sets the exit-control parameters for the user-supplied exitmodule specified in the OBJEXIT suboption of the EXITassembler option when it is called to process the object modulerecords generated when the DECK assembler option isspecified.OBJECT (z/OS and CMS)Sets the exit-control parameters for the user-supplied exitmodule specified in the OBJEXIT suboption of the EXITassembler option when it is called to process the object modulerecords generated when the OBJECT or GOFF assembler optionis specified.ADATA Sets the exit-control parameters for the user-supplied exitmodule specified in the ADEXIT suboption of the EXITassembler option.TERM Sets the exit-control parameters for the user-supplied exitmodule specified in the TRMEXIT suboption of the EXITassembler option.control_valueis the value to which the corresponding exit-control parameter should be set.For each exit type, the assembler maintains four exit-control parameters knownas EXITCTL_1, EXITCTL_2, EXITCTL_3, and EXITCTL_4. Therefore, up to fourvalues may be specified. Which exit-control parameter is set is determined bythe position of the value in the operand of the instruction. You must code acomma in the operand for each omitted value. If specified, control_value mustbe either:v A decimal self-defining term with a value in the range −2 31 to +2 31 −1.v An expression in the form *±n, where * is the current value of thecorresponding exit-control parameter to which n, a decimal self-definingterm, is added or from which n is subtracted. The value of the result ofadding n to or subtracting n from the current exit-control parameter valuemust be in the range −2 31 to +2 31 −1.If control_value is omitted, the corresponding exit-control parameter retains itscurrent value.The following example shows how to set the exit-control parameters EXITCTL_1and EXITCTL_3 for the LISTING exit without affecting the contents of the otherexit-control parameters:EXITCTL LISTING,256,,*+128Chapter 5. Assembler instruction statements 187

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