HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

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Listing of generated fields containing double-byte dataIf the DBCS assembler option is specified, then the following differences apply:v Any continuation indicators present in the model statement are discarded.v Double-byte data that must be split at a continuation point is always readable ona device capable of presenting DBCS characters—SI and SO are inserted at thebreak point, and the break-point always occurs between double-byte characters.v The continuation indicator is extended to the left, if necessary, to fill space thatcannot be filled with double-byte data because of alignment and delimiterconsiderations. The maximum number of columns filled is 3.v If continuation is required and the character to the left of the continuationindicator is X, then + is used as the continuation indicator so as to clearlydistinguish the position of the end column. This applies to any generated field,regardless of its contents, to prevent ambiguity.v Redundant SI/SO pairs may be present in a field after substitution. If they occurat a continuation point, the assembler does not distinguish them from SI and SOinserted in the listing by the assembler to preserve readability. <strong>Ref</strong>er to thegenerated object code to resolve this ambiguity. For more information, seeTable 37 on page 248.Rules for concatenationIf a symbolic parameter in a model statement is immediately preceded or followedby other characters or another symbolic parameter, the characters that correspondto the symbolic parameter are combined in the generated statement with the othercharacters, or with the characters that correspond to the other symbolic parameter.This process is called concatenation.When variable symbols are concatenated to ordinary character strings, thefollowing rules apply to the use of the concatenation character (a period). Theconcatenation character is mandatory when:▌1▐ An alphanumeric character follows a variable symbol.Model statements▌2▐ A left parenthesis that does not enclose a subscript follows a variablesymbol.▌3▐—▌4▐A period (.) is to be generated. Two periods must be specified in theconcatenated string following a variable symbol.The concatenation character is not required when:▌5▐ An ordinary character string precedes a variable symbol.▌6▐ A special character, except a left parenthesis or a period, is to follow avariable symbol.▌7▐ A variable symbol follows another variable symbol.▌8▐ A variable symbol is used with a subscript. The concatenation charactermust not be used between a variable symbol and its subscript; otherwise,the characters are considered a concatenated string and not a subscriptedvariable symbol.Table 37 on page 248, in which the numbers correspond to the numbers in theabove list, gives the rules for concatenating variable symbols to ordinary characterstrings.Chapter 7. How to specify macro definitions 247

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