HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

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Chapter 10. MHELP instructionThe MHELP instruction controls a set of trace and dump facilities. MHELPstatements can occur anywhere in open code or in macro definitions. MHELPoptions remain in effect until superseded by another MHELP statement.MHELPoptionsOptions are selected by an absolute expression in the MHELP operand field.►►sequence_symbolMHELP options ►◄sequence_symbolis a sequence symbol.optionsis the sum of the binary or decimal options described below.MHELP B'1' or MHELP 1, Macro Call Trace:This option provides a one-line trace listing for each macro call, giving thename of the called macro, its nested depth, and its &SYSNDX value. Thetrace is provided only upon entry into the macro. No trace is provided iferror conditions prevent entry into the macro.MHELP B'10' or MHELP 2, Macro Branch Trace:This option provides a one-line trace-listing for each AGO and AIFconditional assembly branch within a macro. It gives the model statementnumbers of the “branched from” and the “branched to” statements, andthe name of the macro in which the branch occurs. This trace option issuppressed for library macros.MHELP B'100' or MHELP 4, Macro AIF Dump:This option dumps undimensioned SET symbol values from the macrodictionary immediately before each AIF statement that is encountered.MHELP B'1000' or MHELP 8, Macro Exit Dump:This option dumps undimensioned SET symbols from the macro dictionarywhenever an MEND or MEXIT statement is encountered.MHELP B'10000' or MHELP 16, Macro Entry Dump:This option dumps parameter values from the macro dictionaryimmediately after a macro call is processed.MHELP B'100000' or MHELP 32, Global Suppression:This option suppresses global SET symbols in two preceding options,MHELP 4 and MHELP 8.MHELP B'1000000' or MHELP 64, Macro Hex Dump:This option, when used with the Macro AIF dump, the Macro Exit dump,or the Macro Entry dump, dumps the parameter and SETC symbol valuesin EBCDIC and hexadecimal formats. Only positional and keyword© Copyright IBM Corp. 1982, 2008 391

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