HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

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PUSH instruction►►sequence_symbolPUSH ▼ ,PRINTUSINGACONTROL(1),NOPRINT►◄Notes:1 Each keyword from this group may be selected only once.sequence_symbolis a sequence symbol.PRINTinstructs the assembler to save the PRINT status in a push-down stack.USINGinstructs the assembler to save the USING status in a push-down stack.ACONTROLinstructs the assembler to save the ACONTROL status in a push-down stack.NOPRINTinstructs the assembler to suppress the printing of the PUSH statement inwhich it is specified.The PUSH instruction only causes the status of the current PRINT, USING orACONTROL instructions to be saved. The PUSH instruction does not:v Change the status of the current PRINT or ACONTROL instructionsv Imply a DROP instruction, or change the status of the current USINGinstructionsREPROinstruction|The REPRO instruction causes the data specified in the statement that follows to becopied unchanged into the object file.►►sequence_symbolREPRO►◄sequence_symbolis a sequence symbol.|The REPRO instruction can appear anywhere in a source module. One REPROinstruction produces one punched record, but as many REPRO instructions asnecessary can be used. Records are created as the object file is being created, sorecords may be interspersed among object code. These records are part of theobject file, but are not intended to contain normal object code or symbols.The statement to be reproduced can contain any of the 256 characters in theEBCDIC character set, including spaces, ampersands, and single quotation marks.Unlike the PUNCH instruction, the REPRO instruction does not allow values to besubstituted into variable symbols before the record is punched.Chapter 5. Assembler instruction statements 209

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