HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

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Subscripted symbolic parametersThe value of the subscript must be greater than or equal to one. The subscriptindicates the position of the entry in the sublist that is specified as the value of thesubscripted parameter (sublists as values in macro instruction operands are fullydescribed in “Sublists in operands” on page 302).ProcessingstatementsThis section provides information about these processing statements:v “Conditional assembly instructions”v “Inner macro instructions”v “Other conditional assembly instructions”v “AEJECT instruction” on page 254v “AINSERT instruction” on page 254v “AREAD instruction” on page 254v “ASPACE instruction” on page 257v “COPY instruction” on page 257v “MEXIT instruction” on page 257Conditional assembly instructionsConditional assembly instructions let you determine at conditional assembly timethe content of the generated statements and the sequence in which they aregenerated. The instructions and their functions are listed below:Conditional Assembly Operation DoneGBLA, GBLB, GBLCLCLA, LCLB, LCLCDeclaration of variable symbols (global-scope andlocal-scope SET symbols) and setting of default initialvaluesSETA, SETB, SETC Assignment of values to variable symbols (SET symbols)SETAF, SETCF External function assignment of values to variablesymbols (SET symbols)ACTR Setting loop counterAGO Unconditional branchAIF Conditional branch (based on logical test)ANOP Pass control to next sequential instruction (no operation)Conditional assembly instructions can be used both inside macro definitions and inopen code. They are described in Chapter 9, “How to write conditional assemblyinstructions.”Inner macro instructionsMacro instructions can be nested inside macro definitions, allowing you to callother macros from within your own definition.Other conditional assembly instructionsSeveral additional instructions can help you write your macro definitions. Theinstructions and their functions are listed below:Inner Macro Instruction Operation DoneAEJECT Skip to next pageChapter 7. How to specify macro definitions 253

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