HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

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Data attributes3. If the operand (or sublist entry) is a character string other than a sublistor the character string described in the previous point, the typeattribute is undefined (U) and the length, scale, and integer attributesare invalid.Because the count (K'), number (N'), and defined (D') attribute referencesare allowed only in conditional assembly instructions, their values areavailable only during conditional assembly processing. They are notavailable at ordinary assembly time.The system variable symbol &SYSLIST, with a valid subscript, can be usedin an attribute reference to refer to a macro instruction operand, and, inturn, to an ordinary symbol. Thus, any of the attribute values for macroinstruction operands and ordinary symbols listed below can also besubstituted for an attribute reference containing &SYSLIST (see “&SYSLISTSystem Variable Symbol” on page 273).Type attribute (T')The type attribute has a value of a single alphabetic character that shows the typeof data represented by:v An ordinary symbolv A macro instruction operandv A SET symbolv A literalv A system variable symbolThe type attribute can change during an assembly. The lookahead search mightassign one attribute, whereas the symbol table at the end of the assembly mightdisplay another.The type attribute reference can be used in the operand field of a SETC instructionor as one of the values used for comparison in the operand field of a SETB or AIFinstruction.The type attribute can also be specified outside conditional assembly instructions.Then, the type attribute value is not used for conditional assembly processing, butis used as a value at assembly time.The following letters are used for the type attribute of data represented byordinary symbols and outer macro instruction operands that are symbols thatname DC or DS statements.A A-, J-type address constant, implied length, aligned (also CXD instructionlabel)B Binary constantC Character constantD Long floating-point constant, implicit length, alignedE Short floating-point constant, implicit length, alignedF Fullword fixed-point constant, implicit length, alignedG Fixed-point constant, explicit lengthH Halfword fixed-point constant, implicit length, alignedK Floating-point constant, explicit lengthL Extended floating-point constant, implicit length, alignedP Packed decimal constantQ Q-type address constant, implicit length, alignedR A-, S-, Q-, J-, R-, V-, or Y-type address constant, explicit lengthS S-type address constant, implicit length, alignedChapter 9. How to write conditional assembly instructions 325

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