HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

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ICTL instructionICTL instructionThe ICTL instruction changes the begin, end, and continue columns that establishthe coding format of the assembler language source statements.►► ICTL begin,end,continue►◄beginspecifies the begin column of the source statement. It must be a decimalself-defining term within the range of 1 to 40, inclusive.endspecifies the end column of the source statement. When end is specified it mustbe a decimal self-defining term within the range of 41 to 80, inclusive. It mustbe not less than begin +5, and must be greater than continue. If end is notspecified, it is assumed to be 71.continuespecifies the continue column of the source statement. When specified, continuemust be a decimal self-defining term within the range of 2 to 40, and it mustbe greater than begin. If continue is not specified, or if column 80 is specified asthe end column, the assembler assumes that continuation lines are not allowed.Default1,71,16Use the ICTL instruction only once, at the very beginning of a source program. Ifno ICTL statement is used in the source program, the assembler assumes that 1, 71,and 16 are the begin, end, and continue columns, respectively.With the ICTL instruction, you can, for example, increase the number of columnsto be used for the identification or sequence checking of your source statements.By changing the begin column, you can even create a field before the begin columnto contain identification or sequence numbers. For example, the followinginstruction designates the begin column as 9 and the end column as 80. Since theend column is specified as 80, no continuation records are recognized.ICTL 9,80COPY Instruction: The ICTL instruction does not affect the format of statementsbrought in by a COPY instruction or generated from a library macro definition.The assembler processes these statements according to the standard begin, end,and continue columns described in “Field boundaries” on page 14.ISEQinstructionThe ISEQ instruction forces the assembler to check if the statements in a sourcemodule are in sequential order. In the ISEQ instruction, you specify the columnsbetween which the assembler is to check for sequence numbers.Chapter 5. Assembler instruction statements 189

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