HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

HLASM: V1R6 Language Ref

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Substring notation||UPPEROutput: SYSATTRP(’symbol’) returns the program-type value for thespecified symbol.v The 4 byte program type is returned.v Symbols without an assigned program type, undefined symbols, andnull arguments return null.ExamplesGiven that symbol Sym1 has previously been assigned a program type of“Box7”, and variable symbol &SName has a value of SYM1, then:SYSATTRP(’Sym1’) has value ’Box7’SYSATTRP(’&SName’) has value ’Box7’Format: Logical-expression, function-invocationOperands: CharacterOutput: UPPER(’cexpr’) or (UPPER ’cexpr’) converts the alphabeticcharacters a-z in the argument to upper case, A-Z. Null arguments return anull string.ExamplesUPPER(’aBcDefG’) has value ’ABCDEFG’X2B Format: Function-invocationOperands: CharacterOutput: X2B(’hexstring’) converts the value of its argument string ofhexadecimal characters to a character string containing only zero (’0’) andone (’1’) characters representing the same bit pattern. Null argumentsreturn a null string.If the result is not too long, the length of the result is four times the lengthof the ’hexstring’ argument.The operand must contain only hexadecimal digits. Any other value causesthe message ASMA214E to be generated.ExamplesX2B(’’) has value ’’ (null string)X2B(’00’) has value ’00000000’X2B(’1’) has value ’0001’X2B(’F3’) has value ’11110011’X2B(’00F3’) has value ’0000000011110011’X2C Format: Function-invocationOperands: CharacterOutput: X2C(’hexstring’) converts the hexstring argument to charactersrepresenting the same bit pattern. Null arguments return a null string.If needed, the argument string is padded internally on the left with a zerocharacter so that its length is a multiple of two.The operand must contain only hexadecimal digits. Any other value causesthe message ASMA214E to be generated.ExamplesChapter 9. How to write conditional assembly instructions 375

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