Progress Amid Resistance

Progress Amid Resistance

Progress Amid Resistance

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★bahrainby Dunya Ahmed Abdulla AhmedPOPULATION: 1,217,000GNI PER CAPITA: US$24,984COUNTRY RATINGS 2004 2009NONDISCRIMINATION AND ACCESS TO JUSTICE: 2.2 2.2AUTONOMY, SECURITY, AND FREEDOM OF THE PERSON: 2.3 2.6ECONOMIC RIGHTS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: 2.9 3.1POLITICAL RIGHTS AND CIVIC VOICE: 2.1 2.3SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS: 2.8 2.9(COUNTRY RATINGS ARE BASED ON A SCALE OF 1 TO 5, WITH 1 REPRESENTING THE LOWEST AND 5 THEHIGHEST LEVEL OF FREEDOM WOMEN HAVE TO EXERCISE THEIR RIGHTS)INTRODUCTIONThe Kingdom of Bahrain, a small island nation off the Arabian Peninsula,is generally considered more liberal in its interpretation and applicationof Islam than adjacent countries. Spurred by the political and economicreforms of hereditary ruler Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa, women’s rights havesteadily improved since he took the throne in 1999. Shari‘a (Islamic law)is the main source of legislation, and the rights, duties, and gender rolesof women in Bahrain are strongly influenced by the country’s culture andreligion. Bahraini citizens make up approximately one half of the residentpopulation, which is believed to have reached one million. 1Bahrain is for the most part a peaceful nation, but friction between theSunni-led government and the largely Shiite opposition persists. Althoughthey constitute the majority of the population, Shiites face discriminationin employment, government services, and the education system. Whilethe ongoing ethnic and sectarian tensions are deeply troubling, they haveacted as a catalyst for increased women’s participation in political movementsand demonstrations calling for social equality and the promotion ofdemocratic rights. 2With pressure and encouragement from local nongovernmental organizations(NGOs), unions, and international bodies, the government has59

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