CON • TEXT - Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo - AHO

CON • TEXT - Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo - AHO

CON • TEXT - Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo - AHO

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D E N K U L T U R E L L E S K U L E S E K K E N“... today we are flooded with offers without having gottenmore users. Den kulturelle skolesekken is a culture project, andthe intention is to increase the production of culture from thebottom up, not the top down. We do this by buildingcompetency in the pupils. We let the money follow the user,even as it really ends up with the artist” (M:Landsverk2004a:9). 48It is a remnant of the thoughts behind the pilot project in Sandefjord, whichended as one of the models for the nationwide pr<strong>og</strong>ram. The initiatingorganisation stated originally that: “The main goal is to make DKS thefoundation for establishing Sandefjord — and now Vestfold — as a city and aregion of culture” (M:Skrede 2002b:9). 49 They wanted to use the school as abasis, and to legitimize this move it was based in the curriculum. It mightseem that placing it in schools is more a means to an end, rather than an aimin itself: “— Being rude, one might say that the school pupils have becomemore important for the art and culture politics, than the other way around...”(M:Landsverk 2004a:9), 50 as commented on by artist organisationsthemselves.This pilot project, a pre-runner for DKS-pr<strong>og</strong>ram signalled an opening toinclude the teachers, but at the same time they voiced concern. The artists didnot want them to be part of the decision process (E:Fønhus et al. 2000). Theytalk contemptuously of the course mentality that they find saturates theNorwegian educational system (M:Landsverk 2004a). The argument is thatinstruction in culture to qualify people is a waste of time. This is confusingconsidering that, at the same time, they advocate the aspect of bringing thepeople the necessary knowledge to understand what quality art is, because thelocal crafts and amateurs are not good enough. They “… are certain that thelack of an opera house is closely connected to the fact that most Norwegianshave no training in experiencing art and culture, and definitely that artistsmany places have had no natural place in the community” (M:Skrede2002b:9). 51 The professional offers are centralised in the major cities, whilethe amateurs are in the districts. The enjoyment of these amateur productionswill never provide us with a central opera house or a rich artistic scene. Thesethoughts are problematic in relation to the DKS pr<strong>og</strong>ram that is supposed to48 OQ: “… i dag oversvømmes vi av tilbud uten at vi har fått flere brukere. Den kulturelle skolesekken er etkulturprosjekt, <strong>og</strong> intensjonen er å øke kulturproduksjonen nedenfra, ikke ovenfra. Dette gjør vi ved å byggeopp kompetansen hos elevene. Vi lar pengene følge brukeren, selv om de egentlig ender opp hos kunstneren”.49 OQ: “Hovedmålsettingen er å gjøre DKS til grunnmuren i å gjøre Sandefjord – <strong>og</strong> nå Vestfold – til kulturby<strong>og</strong> kulturfylke”.50 OQ: “For å være stygg, kan man si at skoleelevene er blitt viktigere for kunsten <strong>og</strong> kulturpolitikken ennomvendt ...”.51 OQ: “... mener beste OQ at mangelen på operahus har en nær sammenheng med at nordmenn flest ikke harblitt opplært til å oppleve kunst <strong>og</strong> kultur, <strong>og</strong> ihvertfall at kunstnere mange steder aldri har hatt en naturligplass i nærmiljøet.92

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